Home after 9 hours in the ER

15 years 6 days ago #26180 by Patricia
Replied by Patricia on topic Home after 9 hours in the ER
So sorry Julie......i certainly hope you're on the road to recovery now. I know what you mean about reading the side effects of the drugs...all drugs. Its a wonder anybody takes anything. I often start laughing at the promos on television which are continually selling some drug for heart disease, cholesterol, sexual dysfunction, allergies...etc..and then hearing the side effects....??? Why would that sell a drug? Got me..maybe people only remember brand recognition and forget the rest?
Cipro a good drug but its gotten a bad rep lately with some bad tendon ruptures.......The Flagyl is a great drug but be really careful not to use any alcholol...even mouthwash while using it...will make you very nautious and sick.
Feel better.......Pat

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15 years 1 week ago #26177 by Julie
Home after 9 hours in the ER was created by Julie
I didn't quite know where to put this update. I let people know on the chat last night that I was in the ER waiting for results of a CT scan. After increasing pain and loss of appetite I decided I should get checked. The results were I was having a diverticulitis attack. This time it was mild to moderate unlike previously when I had a perforated colon which required me to have my Sigmoid colon removed.

They did IV Cipro and Flagyl and sent me on my way with a week's prescription for both. Reading the side effects of the medications made them sound as bad as diverticulitis. I really don't like these medications do to my digestive system but continued diverticulitis is not what I want either.

I left the ER about 10 and dropped off the prescriptions at the pharmacy and was on my way home when I got stopped by the police. He said I had failed to come to a complete stop before turning right at a red light. I thought I had come to a complete stop but it was brief. I just told him I had spent
9 hours in the ER that I was tired and focused on getting home. He checked my Driver's license and recognized the address as being the Over 55 Mobile Home park where I live. He gave me a verbal warning and let me drive on home. I am glad he didn't walk around to the front as my left headlight was out.

I think the situation came up as a result of the morphine and oxycontin I took after the knee replacement. My digestive system has been flaky since them plus I have not had any appetite.

I drove myself to the ER and I drove myself home. I refused morphine for pain. Later I almost requested it but then the pain resolved. Perhaps the contrast fixed it. <g>

I amused people by signing into the chat using my iPhone but hospitals are intrinsically boring and I wanted something to take my mind off the sterile little room I was in.

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