Hold on gals til March l2th for that neobladder

15 years 3 months ago #24135 by Patricia
Char.....i know that one rule of thumb is to completely empty the neo prior to plying your husband with liquor. Other than that i suspect poor neo is in such a state of shock maybe it needs to be plied with liquor?...Talk to it..let him/her know this behaviour is inacceptable :P ya think?

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15 years 3 months ago #24133 by Webs
This might be TMI so don't read if it will bug you.

After the application of much alcohol to my husband I took advantage of him. All parts seem to be working, but did run into a problem. Won't affect most of you, but seems like my incontinence problem is a problem. Was completely incontinent right after and am having problems being continent 2 days later. Will definately be discussing this with my doctor. Anybody have any insites?


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15 years 3 months ago - 15 years 3 months ago #24081 by Betsy Mae
Replied by Betsy Mae on topic Hold on gals til March l2th for that neobladder
Hey girls - have we opened up a can of worms or what? We need to look into this further.
I'm sure I read a something about a study looking at women's satisfaction following RC but I don't recall it dwelling on the specific issues we have raised in this thread.(Try this: www.annalssurgicaloncology.org/cgi/reprint/7/1/4.pdf)
The point we need to remember is that - for all of us having a RC is potentially a life saving operation. So where does that leave us if we are likely to have such problems as discussed? I do remember reading about losing the vaginal wall following a cystectomy and being horrified. My Surgeon was quick to explain how he would go about 'rebuilding' it. I was definitely aware of things being 'tighter' to begin with but now I'm ok. (Well apart from the slight dryness but I need to follow that up and have not got around to it yet!)
Maybe we need to draft an online questionnaire as so far people seem to be happy to share experiences. This willingness is what makes this site so fantastic! Keep sharing!

More articles:
www.journals.elsevierhealth.com/periodicals/euus/article/PIIS1570912405000310/fulltext (a bit gruesome!)

cme.medscape.com/viewarticle/521213_4 (more like we have been discussing)

www.ingentaconnect.com/content/bsc/jsm/2007/00000004/00000002/art00021 (more like we have been discussing)

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15 years 3 months ago #24080 by pemquid
Having not had a RC, I can't comment on what some of you gals have experienced, but I did have a total hysterectomy (uterus and ovaries) back in 1995 (becasue of bad fibroids and heavy bleeding, not cancer). I've experienced some of the same things you report, due to the sudden "menopause" and anatomical changes. I did take estratest (estrogen with a small amount of testosterone)and that helped some symptoms, though not libido. I stopped taking it about 5 years ago, as I'd been on it for almost 10 years and had turned 60. So, now I just use topical estrogen cream. Have any of you tried that? Works for dryness, and I think some may absorb through the skin as well to give some systemic benefit. I'm fortunate to have a supportive and young-for-his age husband to whom I've been married for almost 37 years, so I really feel bad for those of you who have been hooked up to such jerks.

Small TA Grade 1, May-06; recur (2 tiny), same, June-08; TURBTs both times. BCG begun July-08, dosage to 1/3rd May-10, completed treatment December-11. All clear since 2008.

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15 years 3 months ago #24079 by Webs
Holly you have that right he is a prize winning A$$.

As for dysfunction you have to actually have relations to figure out if there is any dysfunction. 9 months out of surgery, almost 4 out of chemo, and he still won't touch me. He has always had a very slow labido, but this is rediculous. I am sure most of it is emotional on his part. Oh well still working on it. Sorry for the TMI.

They should also study the emotional, body image, and divorce rate as well as the physicle.


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15 years 3 months ago #24071 by mznoregrets
Replied by mznoregrets on topic Hold on gals til March l2th for that neobladder

I do think a poll would be good - perhaps we could get some ideas from each other to deal with the issues unresolved. And secondly, maybe we could do something to shed light on the subject for research. Ohhhhh Cynnnthhhhiiiiaaaaa LOL

And Lisa, I am so sorry your marriage has turned as it has. When I had breast cancer surgery - my hubby booked and just 10 days after the surgery. The path report wasn't even back yet when he spent our savings on a new truck he hid for 3 months. Personally, I was glad I saw him for the swine he was when I did even tho his timing was pathetic. We had been married 7 years or so. Last winter he heard about me getting bladder cancer and he made contact with me...I thought it was to apologize, but I was wrong. He informed me that he felt I should return to him what I was awarded in the divorce upon my death. That is an A$$ for life. Holly

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