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  • rockwood61

    March 1, 2023 at 9:05 pm in reply to: Just diagnosed with T2 muscle invasive bladder tumor

    Update, after 3 months of chemo treatments I had a cystectomy on 10 January and a second surgery on 20 January to correct a problem from the first surgery.  While recovering back in the hospital with bleeding from my rectum due to blood thinner and diverticulitis. Just started immunity therapy infusion this week. the drug is OPDIVO and the list of side effects is pretty long. Curios if anyone has had experince with this drug and the immunity treatment in general. Wondering if this will ever end. 

  • rockwood61

    August 21, 2022 at 2:01 pm in reply to: Just diagnosed with T2 muscle invasive bladder tumor

    Don’t know when I will have to make a decision, the Urologist wants to remove the bladder and gave me the different procedures that he could do. He referred me to an Oncologist who immediately started chemo treatment. I am getting Cisplatin and Gemzar. I canceled the follow-up appointment with the Urologist because it was on the same day that I was scheduled for chemo. I am going to take the full course of chemo and see what the results are from that.  There is no doubt that the Urologist will want to remove the bladder because surgery is what he does and if I have to do that I am leaning towards the ileal conduit (loop). I am 79 and in fairly good health up to this point and that procedure is the least invasive but don’t look forward to having to wear a bag. That is why I was hoping to hear from someone on this forum about their experience after having their bladder removed. 

  • rockwood61

    August 21, 2022 at 12:17 am in reply to: Just diagnosed with T2 muscle invasive bladder tumor

    I started Chemo this week but might have to make a decision on which way to go if I have to have my bladder removed.