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  • readabook

    April 6, 2021 at 10:26 pm in reply to: Radiation question (with background info)

    Thank-you Alan. Stopped this week. I have no idea what then healing process is post radiation, but it really took too much out of this old gentleman. Hopefully now time heals. 

  • readabook

    March 30, 2021 at 3:15 am in reply to: 96 yr old w/muscle invasive bladder cancer

    I was wondering what ended up being course of action with your 96 year father- in -law? My dad has had 4.5 weeks of radiation and so worn down and now edema in calves. He will continue with immunotherapy  but his bladder needs a break, He did have second turb with good kind doc, I think bleeding has stopped but radiation very uncomfortable. Fears he will have an accident

  • readabook

    March 30, 2021 at 2:59 am in reply to: Radiation question (with background info)

    update- on my 93 year old dad. I think we are calling a halt to radiation , but continuing immunotherapy. He had about 9 days to go of a 6 wk standard treatment plan, but he is so worn down. And his legs started swelling, BUN and creatinine slightly elevated.  which could be the radiation,  not drinking enough, lack of exercise- or kidney issue ( which some of the radiation was for.He stopped all coffee and OJ etc as it was a bladder irritant and hard to get a 93 year to remember to drink water when he would rather not pee as it hurts  But that was more fluid he was getting.  One nurse jumped to lasiks, a doctor went to putting a tube in kidney… Its too much. We have been playing detective to just get doctors to read results before they go crazy. We want to let him just regain some strength, hydrate, rebuild as best he can. I guess I explore palliative care which I don;t really understand.
    We’ll prob do a another CT to check on things and recheck blood. 
    Fyi this is standard protocol for a person of his age. The immunothherapy has been good. The radiation I am not so sure. 

  • readabook

    March 15, 2021 at 8:12 pm in reply to: Radiation question (with background info)

    Thank-you! I don’t really know- I just know it is too risky to remove his bladder, and he mentally could not manage. I believe the radiation was to help stop his bleeding and kill cancer cells. Though it could now contribute… I kinda hope he stops and just continues with Immunotherapy. Its thru IV. At least we dodged the “do an MRI with a pacemaker chapter. (we aren’t!)

  • readabook

    March 9, 2021 at 9:27 pm in reply to: radiologist wants an MRI- but dad has a pacemaker

    thanks so much for this. I just had an mri myself for head and neck and if seemed much louder than one I had 10 or more years ago and stressful!
    We have come to a decision not to do mri. Too complicated in my dad’s situation. Too many variables. But very helpful to read this info.
    And an awful side effect of radiation is then need to frequently urinate- which would make mri even more intolerable,

  • readabook

    February 17, 2021 at 12:49 am in reply to: 96 yr old w/muscle invasive bladder cancer

    so is your mom having bladder removed then? I am right here with you. My dad saw new doc today who was appalled by his situation. Going to remove rest of tumor and see how things look. Please keep us posted.

  • readabook

    February 13, 2021 at 2:50 am in reply to: 96 yr old w/muscle invasive bladder cancer

    Hi there- I can relate- my dad is about to be 93 and has bladder cancer. Being a very private and independent guy has had “little procedures” over the years to help with urinating and honestly both he and urologist kept us in dark- but now he is too uncomfortable and is opening up too us a bit. Had a tumor removed in the fall and is still bleeding and having urinary issues. PET scan was clear. He was very attached to his urologist ( a one doc office) but finally just left him and will see a new practice next week. Also just starting immunotherapy with a med called tecentriq. There is no way he could handle/manage/survive(?) bladder removal. He also has heart issues. Like your mom is not an “old” 93! In fact he is quite insulted to be thought of as so.
    I will be following along.

  • readabook

    February 6, 2021 at 11:59 pm in reply to: 96 yr old w/muscle invasive bladder cancer

    I kinda hopped on the earlier 96 year old dad, but yes mine is 93- and I guess starting some form of immunotherapy this week with oncologist after leaving not so great urologist  and prior to meeting new one (couldn’t schedule for a bit) May be some part of tumor left… He has issues…I am shoved out of things till an emergency- so thanks for the pat on the back! Just trying  to help them!!

  • readabook

    February 6, 2021 at 11:27 pm in reply to: 96 yr old w/muscle invasive bladder cancer

    Yes- well he can work out of a smaller hospital (where my dad had first resection) but not the bigger health care system he used to be a part of nearby!  Exactly my questions! 
    The prob is the retention and blood loss- hence uro says cancer still an issue… And I do not have the report – this is the part of the hvign very sharp stubborn older parents- I am working on this!!

  • readabook

    February 6, 2021 at 11:01 pm in reply to: naive question

    thank-you! Second part: Is immunotherapy usually administered by oncologist or urologist?
    My dad is going to oncology suite- though his past urologist wanted to put something directly into his bladder. I don’t want to make him anxious- but I am curious!

  • readabook

    February 6, 2021 at 10:19 pm in reply to: 96 yr old w/muscle invasive bladder cancer

    Follow-up: So my dad did have a PET scan ordered by a wonderful oncologist after tumor removal and it was perfect!  No cancer anywhere- even bladder–He continues to have urinary  issues thru holiday  (blood, retention) and finally went back to his urologist ( who we frankly feel is very outdated and is no longer part of the local medical systems or has local hospital privilege- but my almost 93 year old father has a bond with him.  He treated him for a UTI which made all kinds of sense as his manor was very off, and I don’t think UTIS are recognized enough.. but he then said he should go back in and resect more of tumor he removed in fall and then see my dad in his office where he would insert medicine into his bladder once a week for six weeks.. I said “BCG?” and he was stunned I knew that.
    Anyway. Dad has agreed to get a second opinion with a hospital based practice. I was surprised to learn that he he starting immunotherapy this week before he can get an appt with new urologist. Does he not need further surgery? But he has obviously spoken to oncologist who said he would share info with new doc… Fingers crossed all goes well. My 9o year old mother is accompanying so she can understand whats up.

  • readabook

    September 10, 2020 at 1:15 am in reply to: 96 yr old w/muscle invasive bladder cancer

    my 92 year old father was presented with this option. He has aggressive invasive bladder cancer. He is reluctant to go for regular infusions and very worried what a PET scan would reveal. Which he would have to do regularly. He just is tired and not into any of this . It’s hard. I understand where he is coming from.

  • readabook

    September 9, 2020 at 4:47 pm in reply to: my 92.5 year old dad just had tumor removed from bladder.

    Thank-you Sara.anne. Yes – no way can that type of surgery happen. Neither of my parents could survive it. The live alone and are very sharp- but no longer walk, only drive to local necessities, my dad has a pacemaker etc etc.

  • readabook

    September 9, 2020 at 1:56 pm in reply to: my 92.5 year old dad just had tumor removed from bladder.

    anyone with a parent in their 90’s?