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  • MomsCaregiver

    February 17, 2021 at 2:10 am in reply to: 96 yr old w/muscle invasive bladder cancer

    That is very interesting. My Mom’s Urologist said there were too many tumors and they were too large to remove during one procedure. I am thinking that a second opinion must provide a different diagnosis.

  • MomsCaregiver

    February 17, 2021 at 2:08 am in reply to: 96 yr old w/muscle invasive bladder cancer

    Hi Sara,

    The Urologist said he would not use a robot but I have to ask him why. Actually, I thought this was strange since Robotic surgery is listed as his area of expertise. The Doctor said he would make a small incision and would not have to go through the muscle, which is why he said she would be up and walking the next day.

  • MomsCaregiver

    February 16, 2021 at 11:42 pm in reply to: 96 yr old w/muscle invasive bladder cancer

    Thank you for responding. My Mom is on dialysis because she was diagnosed with High Blood pressure years ago and decided to take the natural path. Obviously, this did not work out for her. We had a consult with the Urologist last week and he said my Mom would do fine after the surgery. Although I read the recover time is 3-6 weeks he claimed my Mom would be up and walking the next day. My concern is without the surgery she would continue to bleed and would constantly require blood transfusions. My Mom’s concern is that she would become an invalid after the surgery.

    The Urologist said that the kidneys are not working so he thinks it is better to remove them. He also said that my Mom would not need a pouch because the fluid would be handled by Dialysis.

    I apologize for the rambling but this is hard.

  • MomsCaregiver

    February 10, 2021 at 3:28 am in reply to: 96 yr old w/muscle invasive bladder cancer

    Hi Alan,

    Thank you for your response.   This is so new to me that I have not had time to perform research.   My Mom does not want the surgery and I am moving toward the decision too.   The kidneys are not cancerous but the Doctor wants to remove them along with the Bladder.   I am scheduling an appointment for a second opinion.   These last few days have been overwhelming.