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  • frannie72

    August 8, 2020 at 10:20 pm in reply to: MRI for elevated PSA

    Interesting. So the lesion could be unrelated prostate cancer or still could be nothing but not likely metastatic bladder? My only red flag that could also be nothing is that in the last few months, he seems more frail, slower.

    The biopsy is scheduled for 8/18, if his Covid-19 test is negative.

  • frannie72

    August 5, 2020 at 6:48 pm in reply to: MRI for elevated PSA

    Sorry, the lesion is on the prostate. He originally was diagnosed with bladder cancer in August 2018.

  • frannie72

    August 5, 2020 at 6:16 pm in reply to: MRI for elevated PSA

    My husband is almost 73, so that might be a factor. We will see the doctor on Tuesday and ask for clarification. Thank you.

    Finally got an MRI. It showed a 1 cm “suspicious lesion”. He’ll have a biopsy on the 18th. How likely is it to be prostate cancer or would it be metastatic bladder cancer? Could also be nothing?

  • frannie72

    June 27, 2020 at 1:57 pm in reply to: MRI for elevated PSA

    We still don’t have insurance clearance for the MRI, not sure why it’s taken this long.

    His PSA has been elevated since January 2019 and the last PSA was 5 months after his last BCG, so I’m guess that’s why they are investigating?

    A side question-has anyone experienced dizziness with BCG? He did on the last day of treatment last week and had a bad fall in the middle of the night, bruised a rib.

  • frannie72

    June 13, 2020 at 3:07 pm in reply to: MRI for elevated PSA

    My husband is almost 73, so that might be a factor. We will see the doctor on Tuesday and ask for clarification. Thank you.

  • frannie72

    May 1, 2020 at 10:21 pm in reply to: Should husband isolate in the fall?

    I tend to agree. What is a few months apart if it means survival? It’s difficult though, it’s such a fluid situation, maybe we will have a vaccine in January, maybe we won’t for a year.

  • frannie72

    February 25, 2020 at 8:18 pm in reply to: CT scan, standard procedure?!

    CT scan came back normal but urine cytology is abnormal so they want to do a bladder biopsy and run a couple other tests. Is the concern a recurrence?

  • frannie72

    June 9, 2019 at 3:35 pm in reply to: BCG treatment escalating side effects

    They will not reduce the dosage but they will stop the treatments completely if he develops and sustains a high fever. So far just a fever spike that lasts a few hours. Thankfully, he’s done with treatment until October (a cystoscopy in early August). This last session was Tuesday of last week, so almost 2 weeks, and he is not back to normal. He is very fatigued along with the dysuria and other side effects (he also had a skin reaction to something, maybe the Uribel, and has a rash all over his torso and face)

    I realize it’s normal but doc says each time will be an ever prolonged recovery and it seems to be taking a toll on him. He is almost 72 and he is visibly weak and appears older. I have also read that there is a very individualized reaction to BCG but I don’t know if his is worse or better than most.

    In addition, the last cystoscopy a few months ago he got an infection from the clinic, caused by Klebsiella and it was nasty, took weeks to go away and he has not been the same since (to me, anyway).

    The entire treatment program is 5 years (including maintenance therapy), in August it will be one year since diagnosis. I guess my concern is if he will be feeling badly several times a year into his late 70’s.

    He was diagnosed high grade Stage T1.

  • frannie72

    April 5, 2019 at 8:14 pm in reply to: Personality changes after treatment?

    We probably do need some professional counseling, I don’t feel it’s something I can handle myself.

    I am really on the fence about telling the kids. We have 5, from ages 20 to 6, my husband is an older father, they already are anxious about that, if they knew what he was dealing with, I honestly don’t know how they would take it.

    My oldest daughter has depression and anxiety and sees a therapist regularly. I spoke to him in confidence and he feels honesty is the best way to go.

  • frannie72

    October 5, 2018 at 7:15 pm in reply to: Upstaging to muscle invasive significance?

    My husband had the restaging TURBT yesterday, along with laser treatment for his stones (lithotripsy didn’t work). The doctor said he took out more from the original area and then several samples from areas in the bladder that looked atypical and “angry.” This is new information, that there are “angry” looking areas within the bladder lining – but he’s not sure if they were already there or if it’s inflammation/trauma from the stent, the stone debris going thru there etc.

    Is that a typical finding of bladder cancer, that areas look “angry”?

    We have an appointment on 10/11 to get the results of the biopsies.

  • frannie72

    September 14, 2018 at 2:55 am in reply to: Travel while waiting?

    Thank you. Yes, I suppose it is better to just get on with life and that is what my husband is doing, I’m the one fretting and trying to gather as much information as possible! His philosophy is that he will continue his job (which he loves) and we will have our normal life and not stress about the upcoming procedures and that we’ll take it from there.

  • frannie72

    September 14, 2018 at 2:05 am in reply to: Upstaging to muscle invasive significance?

    Yes, one day at a time. I apologize for the typos in my previous post, should not have been trying to post on my phone in the hospital! At the moment, nothing happening until October 1st, he’ll have an abdominal CT, then the TURBT restaging on October 4, then I suppose a week wait and then we’ll know what we’re actually dealing with. I am just truly hoping this is something we can put behind us soon. I am sensing, though, from reading various posts, that even if the TURBT restaging shows nothing new, he’ll have to be monitored, which I guess means regular scopes and scans? I’ve tried to get info from the urologist but he is not saying anything really, I suppose until we know more. But as you said, one day at a time, until we get new information.

  • frannie72

    September 12, 2018 at 6:07 pm in reply to: Upstaging to muscle invasive significance?

    My husband had lithotripsy today, hopefully it will work on the large stone he has.

    Dr. mentioned to be after the procedure when I asked him about the upcoming restating and he said that the path report “surprised him” because it seemed “out of proportion” with the mass he removed. So he thought it was low grade and it turned out to be high grade T1 papillary. He wants to back in and see what else is going on.

    Is he trying to say that the situation is more worrisome? It may be more than the original 2 cm mass he removed?

  • frannie72

    September 8, 2018 at 8:39 pm in reply to: Upstaging to muscle invasive significance?

    Thank you so much for your helpful posts.

    It seems like the treatment plan for T1 is highly individualized depending on many variables and criteria. I was reading that in some cases, they even do cystectomy for high grade T1! My husband is older (71), would that make a difference? He’s terrified of nothing but a cystectomy. This has been such a shock, he’s always in very good health, we have been married for 22 years and the first time he was ever really sick was last year when his flu turned into pneumonia. We have a so-called “age gap” marriage (I’m in mid 40’s) and have minor children so he’s panicking a bit.

  • frannie72

    September 5, 2018 at 10:32 pm in reply to: Mass in bladder during stent surgery

    Hi, update and more questions.

    So, path report came back today and it is:

    High grade papillary urothelial carcinoma, invasive.

    Initial staging: T1

    Exploratory surgery next month to determine if needs to be restaged.

    Tumor invades superficial lamina propria.

    2 cm

    So, I guess not great but not terrible?