Bladder Cancer Risk Factors

Bladder Cancer Risk Factors

A bladder may develop cancer when its cells grow abnormally or begin to mutate. What exactly causes this development of abnormal or mutated bladder cells is not always clear, but there are certain factors highly correlated with increased risk of developing bladder cancer. These include lifestyle or behavioral risks, demographic risks, hereditary risks and more.

You should talk to your health care professional about your bladder cancer risk factors and the about the possibility of a screening if you are exhibiting any of the most common signs and symptoms. Also, be sure to talk to them about life style adjustments that could reduce your risk factors.

Lifestyle and Behavioral Risk Factors of Bladder Cancer


Smoking has been identified as a major risk factor for bladder cancer. Smokers are two to three times more likely to get bladder cancer than non-smokers.


It is thought that a diet high in fat and nitrates could be a risk factor for bladder cancer.

Low Fluid Consumption:

Some research has shown that people who drink plenty of fluids have a lower incidence of bladder cancer.

Anistolochia Fangchi:

People who took this herb as part of a weight loss program have a higher rate of bladder cancer and kidney failure than the general population.

Environmental or Occupational Bladder Cancer Risks:

Workers exposed to high levels of carcinogens in the work place include:

  • Truck drivers
  • Textile workers
  • Chemical industries
  • Leather industries
  • Hairdressers
  • Machinists
  • Metal workers
  • Printers
  • Rubber industries
  • Painters
  • Firefighters


Arsenic contamination in water supplies and food have been shown to be a risk factor in bladder cancer.

Demographic Risk Factors for Bladder Cancer


Chances of getting bladder cancer increase with age.


Men are more likely to be diagnosed with bladder cancer than women.


Whites have a higher incidence of bladder cancer than other races.

Personal History and Bladder Cancer Risks

A prior history of Bladder Cancer:

Bladder cancer has a high rate of recurrence.

(Establishing a schedule for regular checkups with your health care professional is very important.)

Genetic and Heredity Risks:

The possibility of a genetic link in bladder cancer is currently under study. However, in some families there is a history of bladder cancer.

Prior Cancer Treatment:

Certain cancer drugs and pelvic radiation may increase the risk for bladder cancer.