Home Forums All Categories Women and Bladder Cancer William U. Shipley, MD

  • William U. Shipley, MD

    Posted by star on September 20, 2007 at 4:09 pm

    WHOM had read this DR articles???
    I just decided to get real serious about info as in the past was to overwhelmed by the words on pages. I understand little OF THE LINGO{still} BUT but am looking finally after 1 1/2 of bc to educate in the right way and not look pathedic on the forums about questions. His is pretty straight forward so on with my why’s.
    Hey what about a bladder transplant? we got lung/heart/liver/kidney/stem cell
    ANY ONE EVER PONDER THAT? replacement bladder is the out come and liveable once your emotions catch up to your body. complications are in deed there.
    finally looking.

    replied 16 years, 9 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
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  • Guest
    September 21, 2007 at 1:05 am

    Yes i met Dr. Shipley and his crew at Mass Gen……Read Cynthias corner on the main page. His trials only include T2 Stage 2.
    As for bladder replacement……they’re actually growing bladders but if its from a diseased bladder it probably wouldn’t be a great idea.(mice are now getting these) Pig bladders maybe?..Cow bladders..hmmmm. my sister in law has a cow valve in her heart. Who knows maybe its viable. If we don’t reject it in the heart maybe we wouldn’t reject it as a bladder…….oh but wait a minute..you’ve got to hook it up and wouldn’t that be the same as a neo-bladder with the same problems?
    Ya got me! Pat

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