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  • "When You Reach The End of Your Rope, Tie a Not and Hang On"!

    Posted by momof4 on January 6, 2008 at 11:24 pm

    Boy, is it exhausting being a caregiver! Everything from Medications, to meals, Dr.s visits, Treatments, Tears, Chores, and Home Repair! I got sick this past weekend, and there was no one available to help out…So I had to work through it and keep going. I felt a one point I would surely have a nervous breakdown :-[, but I don’t even have time for that! I really miss being treated like a queen when I was sick…I want my old life and my husband back to “normal” so bad :'( !

    Since I was at the end of my rope, I had no choice but to tie a knot and swing to the next branch!

    Till Tomorrow, with news from the Dr. in charge of the Clinical Trial,

    Caregiver for my Wonderful Husband Angelo, who has Metastatic Bladder Cancer.

    Life isn’t about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain.

    momof4 replied 16 years, 6 months ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • momof4

    January 9, 2008 at 12:01 am

    Funny how we all seem to get hit in the “Butt”, when under stress. Must be common. I have the worst hemorrhoids of my life! Even after childbirth they weren’t this bad. Got a new prescription called “Ana-mantle” works like a charm…too bad I didn’t find it on the onset of all this! I guess when they say:
    “You look like the Bottom fell out of your world” really applies here! LOL. Just Google: “the bottom fell out”,

    here look:


    and see how many situations that phrase applies to. It must have started somewhere, but the literal sense sticks!


    Caregiver for my Wonderful Husband Angelo, who has Metastatic Bladder Cancer.

    Life isn’t about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain.

  • Guest
    January 8, 2008 at 10:15 pm

    Okay girls,
    I know what your saying I have that bowel thing, where you go all the time. I am sure it is the stress from the spring, into summer and then into fall. I had a small bowel infection, it took care of itself, thank heavens. We seem to be the ones who get dumped on but still manage a smile, sometimes. I think we should have a squad, the caregiver er squad, ready to helicopter all over the US TO HELP OUR CAREGIVERS!!!! There I go dreaming again. By the way dreaming isn’t all that bad, helps get through the day. I am in a better position now, fortuneately, but I will never forget the days I lived that you are still experiencing. And still I hold my breath hoping for no reoccurence in the future. Do something for yourself,,TODAY!!

  • Aimeth

    January 8, 2008 at 7:23 pm


    Hang in there. These past few days have been very intense for us. Trying to take care of everything and put things in order is just overwhelming. Also my husband is now trying to find “Natural and Holistic CURES”. And of-course I am the one who has to take care of that too. I am getting to a point where I am about the break down. But as you have to keep going til the end.

    Let me know about your research with clinical trials.

    Take care,

  • Julie

    January 7, 2008 at 4:27 am

    Karen, find someone to give you relief even if it is for an hour. As I keep being told take care of yourself the strain of being a caregiver is hard on us and there are a lot of stress related problems that can catch up with you. I had a perforated colon this past year and I’m sure some of the problem was due to stress. Had to have surgery when Dick was really ill, I was lucky that my sister could come and stay a few days but i had to return to care giving within 3 days of getting out of the hospital and it was too soon as I took longer to heal than I should have.

    Volunteer Coordinator

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