Home Forums All Categories Caregivers Questions and Comments To the children , whose parents are facing an r/c

  • To the children , whose parents are facing an r/c

    Posted by on June 26, 2008 at 1:42 am

    On a motherly note, I would like to express compassion for these kids who are seeing there fathers or mothers face this disease. Having a daughter 40 and a son 36 I know how scared they must be. We as the parents are scared as well but don’t want to put unnecessary concern on their shoulders. But it does, no one escapes from the fear of loosing a parent to this. I can only say that prayers and a positive attitude have certainly helped many. And those who slip through are warriors , everyday they try to win the battle. As a wife of a husband diagnosed with stage 3 T-2 July 3rd of 2007 I know what you children are thinking.For us we escaped the metastisis for now. I am ever so humbled by being given a chance to be with my husband for how ever long we have together. And for those who aren’t so sure, pray, along with us on the forum that all of us could be so fortuneate. Have strength, courage , and take care of yourselves , love your parents, this disease is not always a death sentence, the medical miracles happen everyday. Pray it happens for you!!!Ginger Beane

    Webs replied 15 years, 11 months ago 4 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Webs

    July 22, 2008 at 2:48 am

    Tried to reply to you blog but could not figure out how to do it. My husband had his laptop with him the entire time I was udergoing my RC and recuperation. His computer has a little card that lets him get the internet anywhere. My thoughts are with you guys.


  • Guest
    July 22, 2008 at 2:27 am

    Thats a interesting story, I when I was small, listened to my mom talk to her friend who had breat cancer. The mutilation then went on back then was appauling, but all they had at the time
    How is sailorman doing, do you need any tips on taking care of his needs at present? He got the neo? or the bag??? MY HUSBAND HAS THE BAG, ITS FINE, IT WORK FOR HIM, GLAD YOUR ON BOARD AT THE FORUM, WE NEED ALL CAREGIVERS TO GIVE THERE INPUT..THANKS FOR JOINING IN!!!!! Ginger Beane.

  • Bookwriter

    July 22, 2008 at 12:41 am

    Between Sailorman and me, we have 4 kids – two teenage girls, 15 & 16, two young men, 18 & 23. It’s hard on the kids, of course, but it’s much better now than when I was a kid and the word “cancer” was taboo. I remember going to the hospital where my father was in bed and the doctor said “he has melio-forum simulationitis of the careapea and efluspient conradscant pectum apum gilio fo.” Then he turned around and left. A nurse, who had been standing outside the door, came in and said “He has cancer” and yet it was so taboo that, for a long time, my father wouldn’t admit what was wrong with him.

    Our medical system is much improved, doctors have been trained to be human (as well as being doctors), there are forums such as this where people can find information if they seek it, and nothing needs to be mystified anymore. We can see reality and see that lots of other people are going through the same reality.

    It’s an important lesson – how to deal with illness. When there’s kids around, you have an opportunity to teach them.

  • Guest
    July 5, 2008 at 4:06 pm

    Facing this disease is no easy chore and is hard on the whole family. But I found using my inner strength to the fullest to fight this battle definitely gave my family alot of hope. The point here is sure your family is going to support you but sometimes they to don’t know what to say or think. So being a T3 G3 and going in thinking positive and fighting as hard as I could definitely helps to console your family. I have 3 sons and I always taught them to fight and never give up well now it was my turn to show them what I meant. Closing if you show your kids fight and hope then this is something they will learn and never forget. Joe ;)

  • Patticake1957

    July 5, 2008 at 12:43 pm

    Thank you for these words. I am new here and actively reading alot of the posts. My mom has been diagnosed with b/c. Staging and grading numbers have not been given to me as of yet. All of the scans have been clean so far and we start chemo on the 17th. We will have the bladder removed in October. It has been an emtional roller coaster for us these past few weeks. Mom worries about things and so do I. I do believe in the wonderful power of prayer and have been lifting up this group.

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