• Posted by Rockyiss on June 5, 2008 at 4:11 am

    Hi everyone , I just spent alittle while reading the old post and they have helped me already. I am just tiredddd ! My husband will have his 6th chemo on 6-10 and it has really worn him down. The hard thing is trying to figure out how hard to push him.
    I know from my own health problems that if I lay around and don’t move much I hurt so much more. But I also understand his counts are down hense the fatigue.(when I had a bleeding ulcer I delt with low counts and the tiredness.) Sometimes I just don,t know how to help him. I know he has lymphoma not bc(I have the bc) so some of the issuses are different but I think when your getting chemo it is the same for most . The tireness, hurting ,depression etc. I love him so much I just wish I could do it for him .He wants me close by and I try to be but being in the house alot drags me down. So I keep going out to plant some flowers and check on him often.
    He had a restaging pet scan last week , I have a copy of it but trying to figure out what it says is tuff.(and I am not usually dumb about this stuff) I called his Dr today to find out if the lymphoma is gone or just diminished , but havn’t heard back yet. I will call again tomorrow. I know there are ones with much worse problems than this but thanks for letting me vent.He owns a constrution com. and it is very hard for him not to be there. He tried 3 times today to go to work but couldn’t. But luckly our son is handeling the jobs for now.
    My hiking partner Sam (my german shepard) will no longer be able to hike with me when and if I ever get to hike again. He is ten years old and has developed shouder problems and nerve problems , he now limps and drags his paw. So now that is also messing with my head! I need it to be winter so I can ski alittle to help my pain in my legs and work off some stress! I know that God is still in control of our lives and He is still on the throne and has given me this site of loving people that I can complain to, thanks for being there , I hope and pray all is well with you guys tonight. Rocky

    replied 16 years, 1 month ago 4 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Guest
    June 7, 2008 at 12:06 am

    It is exhausting isn’t it!!BESIDES YOU HAVING B/C AS WELL. tHE MIND TAKES A BIG BLOW WITH ALL THE STRESS, YOU ARE WORRYING FOR 2 PEOPLE, AT LEAST I DO THAT, ITS TO MUCH!!!! Sometimes you just have to “let go”. just enough to get yourself back together, whatever it takes. I know Gene followed me around all the time, like I would go missing or something,,it will get easier, its temporary, very temporary I hope!!! Ginger

  • Rockyiss

    June 6, 2008 at 4:15 am

    Karen the hike is good ,but no nap. I live in the mountains with the bears . The bc might not get me, but sleeping in the woods might make me lunch for the bears! lol
    There was a time you could do that but they brought the black bears back about 20 years ago so you have to pay attention when your in the woods, also we have rattlesnakes. But ever since I was little I have always been in the woods. I wanted to be a hermit when I grew up! So definitly a long hike would do me well.
    Last fall I hiked around our local lake, something I have wanted to do since I was about 5. It turned out to be 88 miles and not the 65 they say it is. I carry a pack about 20 25 lbs (it helps stretch my neck) and makes it feel better. I had a blast!! I told my husband I want to hike the Appalachine trail next. He just shakes his head. Rocky

  • Tate

    June 5, 2008 at 11:34 pm

    Rocky, I feel the same about going out to eat…I feel like I am throwing money away… I would rather hang out with friends and watch a movie at someones home or save my money and go shopping on vacation.

    I am happy to hear about the remission. I pray that you all continue to get good news.

  • momof4

    June 5, 2008 at 8:58 pm


    “Going out” can mean just out of the house…how about a picnic with a friend? (or alone for that matter) If you love hiking, take something with you so you can stop, eat, and maybe take a nap outdoors! I have been wanting a hammock…But it is 97 degrees here today…It will probably be great in the fall or spring…

    Wishing you rest!

    P.S. I drink Starbucks Frappuccino, or Red Bull almost daily because I just cannot keep going some days…

    Caregiver for my Wonderful Husband Angelo, who has Metastatic Bladder Cancer.

    Life isn’t about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain.

  • Rockyiss

    June 5, 2008 at 8:29 pm

    Thanks guys for talking back and lifting me up. I had to laugh Karen when you sugested I have lunch with a friend because I hate to eat out! lol To me eating is like putting gas in the car, do it and get it over with ! My husband is always trying to get me to eat out! But taking a hike now thats different, I miss my hikes in the woods.
    We did get good news today from his Dr., the lymphoma is in remission! There is no sign of it on the pet scan, so he gets one more chemo then they want to do a muga scan to make sure his heart wasn’t damaged by the chemo, then on to being maintained and watched. I have to make my app for my scope it will be 4 months since the last one when they took out a small cancer. So maybe life will get back to semi normal.
    Tate, just you guys responding helps alot more then you can know, I was feeling really down when I wrote and you guys lifted me up, and for that I am really grateful. God bless , love from Rocky

  • momof4

    June 5, 2008 at 2:41 pm

    Rocky….I am tired too…and you have your BC on top of being a caregiver throwing another wrench in your already exhausting life…take some time for yourself…see if one of your kids can take him to a few appointments…go have lunch with a friend…lay down in the middle of the day. I hear what you are saying!!!You will be a much better caregiver if you take care of you…

    I will pray for strength for you…


    Caregiver for my Wonderful Husband Angelo, who has Metastatic Bladder Cancer.

    Life isn’t about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain.

  • Tate

    June 5, 2008 at 11:07 am

    Hi Rocky,
    I am not the best at saying the best thing…and I am not going through all of the stressers your are. But, I certainly can understand the difficult time you are going through. It is easy for me to sit here and stay strong and positive however, it is very hard sometimes but I hope you can. I am glad we have this group to share our feelings…sometimes that can really help, Please take care of yourself and my thoughts and prayers are with all three of you.

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