Home Forums All Categories Women and Bladder Cancer Suggestions?

  • Posted by sadturtle on March 3, 2008 at 2:19 pm

    I’m never sick. Non-drinker, non-smoker (although my husband smokes outside), healthy lifestyle (although I like my sweets) and now non invasive bladder cancer. Doc said he got everything, need to go back every 3 months but he could not tell me what I should avoid.
    I gave up my 5 daily diet mountain dew drinks-gave up all caffeine, cutting back on the sweets, don’t really eat red meat, never had an occupation with chemicals. 54 yr old female…just saw the statistics on re-occurance of this and would welcome all suggestions on what to take (vitamins, food)…what to avoid…
    Thanks so much.

    Sadturtle replied 16 years, 4 months ago 4 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Sadturtle

    March 5, 2008 at 1:27 pm

    Thanks for the suggestions, everyone. Got a call from the doc that I had an infection (this after being there 5 days before) so now I’m on antiobiotics plus and feeling much better.
    Got the pom juice (and I have a real pom. too!) and grape juice, loads of veggies, red grapes, haven’t had any caffeine for a week and I really do feel so much better.

  • Guest
    March 4, 2008 at 4:07 pm

    I don’t know Flamenco…i think i could have been the Poster Child for Broccoli or any of those good veggies…plus i rarely ate red meat…never fast foods….amish chicken free of hormones and pesticides….cranberry juice every day…?????? Now i’m drinking Pom and Acai juices .. and my medicinal chocolate of course!! Pat

  • Flamenco

    March 4, 2008 at 12:00 pm

    Hi Sadturtle,
    Whilst I am convinced that there is no dietary miracle cure for cancer, when I was first diagnosed I found that some of the researchers believed that regularly eating cruciferous veg. and especially broccoli could help in the prevention of bladder cancer. At first I started eating loads of broccoli, but overdid it and made myself fed up of it. So, as its very good for you anyway, I would recommend its regular inclusion in you diet.
    PS Pat I·m with you on the chocolate, my Mum always used to say ” abit of what you fancy does you good “!!!

  • Guest
    March 4, 2008 at 4:15 am

    “seem” to be?…and clearly do not……..Well this is one docs opinion. I could site a dozen other articles that state that a multi vitamin does make a difference as long as its not a substitute for actually eating..or that extra C may counter cataracts…or that Oncovite might help superficial blc….My Italian grandparents seemed to think Wine was the answer to ward off all bad things……I wish red wine didn’t give me such a headache!! My own theory is that chocolate will cure everything. ;D

  • zachary

    March 4, 2008 at 2:59 am

    That’s a good question about cancer prevention.

    The answer appears to be…no on really knows. According to the American Cancer Society, those cancer cases which are most preventable are those cancer cases which occur as a result of smoking, drinking alcohol, and being exposed directly to too much sunlight. And only about one-third of all cancer cases could be prevented by making proper lifestyle choices. I’m not sure I fully believe the latter, but that’s what they say.

    The American Institute for Cancer Research has some very simple (and that doesn’t necessarily mean easy or simplistic) guidelines for cancer prevention. Here they are:

    In a nutshell:
    1. Choose mainly plant-based foods and limit red meat and processed meat.
    2. Be active every day in any way for 30 minutes or more.
    3. Aim to be a healthy weight throughout life.
    4. Avoid sugary drinks and processed foods high in added sugar, low in fiber, or high in fat.
    5. Do not use tobacco in any form.
    6. Limit consumption of alcohol.

    I think you’re better off without all the Mountain Dew caffeine, but it doesn’t appear that a daily cup of coffee makes any difference.

    An article on vitamins and cancer on MSNBC caught my eye a few days ago. I’m going to quote directly from the piece (which you may read in whole at http://tinyurl.com/35qqdu)

    The notion that vitamin supplements are healthful, or at least not harmful, arises from the desire of many people to match the benefits of a healthful diet with a convenient pill, Dr. Tim Byers of the University of Colorado School of Medicine wrote in an editorial accompanying the study.

    “Over the past two decades, we have been repeatedly disappointed in the ability of vitamin supplements to reduce risk for cancers at several sites, including the stomach, colorectum, breast and lung,” Byers wrote.

    “Foods that are rich in vitamins seem to be associated with reduced risk of cancer, but vitamins packaged as pills clearly do not have the same effect,” Byers added.

    Food for thought.

    Best wishes,


    “Standing on my Head”–my chemo journal
    T3a Grade 4 N+M0
    RC at USC/Norris June 23, 2006 by Dr. John Stein
  • Guest
    March 3, 2008 at 5:41 pm

    Hi Sadturtle….so sorry about your diagnosis. Iknow you said your uro got everything…but what did the pathology report say and what is your uro’s recommendation at this point? Other than making sure you have a very experienced uro/surgeon in bladder cancer and a top notch pathologist…what you eat or drink is anybody’s guess…and they are all guesses….obvious choices…fruits and veggies..no caffeine…no mountain dew……..If we really knew what would stop it in its tracks i don’t think we’d keep it a secret. A second opinion always a good idea with bladder cancer………….Pat

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