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  • Seek help identifying best Cancer Treatment Center for 2nd opinion & Treatment

    Posted by VTCharlie on May 23, 2024 at 6:55 pm

    I’m 65, living in northern Vermont and learned yesterday that my CT (prompted by a recent hematoria episode) revealed a “diffuse and asymmetric thickening of the bladder wall” and “Grossly abnormal urinary bladder non uniform wall thickening.”

    A follow-up cystoscopy is called for. My Primary tells me the scan doesn’t look good and is very likely bladder cancer, and as such recommended I get the cystoscopy ASAP with a urologist at the UVM (University of Vermont) Medical Center. I expect to have the Cystoscopy in the next 7-10 days.

    Fearing the worst and need for immediate action, I want to concurrently identify & schedule a 2nd opinion to immediately follow. Reading on this site and elsewhere, it seems clear the outcome will in no small part be a result of the volume, experience and qualifications of the medical team who diagnose and provide treatment. 

    Wondering what others in the Northeast have learned or experienced about who are the most highly regarded cancer centers treating bladder. I feel like I need to be within several hours driving distance or a quick flight (in the case of NYC).

    Recommendations of any sort are appreciated. Thus far I’ve been focusing on Dana-Farber Cancer Center in Boston, and Sloan Kettering in NYC.

    Thanks and best to all.

    Alan replied 1 month, 1 week ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Alan

    May 24, 2024 at 1:06 am

    Both Sloan Kettering and Dana Farber are well respected for their bladder expertise. John Hopkins also. You have done very good research and would rely and any of those.

    DX 5/6/2008 TAG3 papillary tumor .5 CM in size. 2 TURBS followed by 6 instillations of BCG weekly with a second round of 6 after a 6 week wait.

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