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  • Re-entering life after an r/c, it can happen!!!!

    Posted by on January 6, 2008 at 3:57 am

    Caregiver friends,

    We are about to enbark on a 5 day trip to Vegas!! Whoopie!!!! Its a little scary as surgery was Sept. 14th. I am happy for the opportunity to jump back into living again. Our packing will be a little different, we will have a carry on with bag supplies. Gene strength is probably 70 per cent, still has some issues, but is willing to set his sites on fun and entertainment. He is wondering if his bladder bag will set off the alarms at the airport! Or if he will get the search! Maybe a few extra naps, no staying up all nite and will give the pool a shot if warm enough. This year 2007 has been hard for most people on the forum, I’d like to say I hope this comes true for you in whatever trip you can muster up. This is a big step for him, confidence is still a small issue. There are so many things it does to you, medically and emotionally, the bladder cancer. Family members will be with us, the ones who stood by me at the Cleveland Clinic through the surgery. Were not big drinkers but we love to laugh and try to come home with some money, maybe it will be our lucky day, to me everyday is our lucky day, we have our family, our friends, and our life, just with a extra bag!!! Ginger

    replied 16 years, 6 months ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Guest
    January 7, 2008 at 4:30 pm

    Thanks Rick,

    Good to hear from you, I was hoping some bag people would jump on and let us know what to expect. Sounds like there will be no problem. Don’t have to worry about catheters, so the bag acts as a palm tree on nude beaches, I’ll note that in my file. Gene has a nack for getting searched, he must look like the maphia. They will have a surprise, we’ll try not to loose our butts at the Mirage. Thanks for the reply…. Ginger

  • RAH

    January 7, 2008 at 4:09 pm

    I have flown since my surgery. I didn’t have to strip search, so there was no reason to explain I had a bag that I didn’t check in nor hand carry.
    Since the bag and pouch is not made out of metal, it shouldn’t set off any alarms.
    I have not tried the swimming thing yet, but have drowned at the Poker Table.

    I was having a discussion with my oldest son this past week. When I was in the Air Force I flew to Australia. Several of us went to a nude beach outside of Sydney. I told my son I want to go back to a nude beach again someday. I told him I wouldn’t have to worry about getting sun burned down there because the bag gives me the proper shade.

    Enjoy your vacation.


  • Stephany

    January 6, 2008 at 11:46 pm

    Oh, how I envy you guys….have a GREAT TIME!

    One thing, though…does Gene have a medical alert tag anywhere on his person? He really may need one, in case of emergency, to explain his surgery.

    I would put that on your list of things to do for safe travel.

    Stephany in Iowa

  • Julie

    January 6, 2008 at 4:13 am

    Have a great time Ginger and Gene. Julie

    Volunteer Coordinator

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