Home Forums All Categories Women and Bladder Cancer Radical cystectomy

  • cynthia

    August 6, 2019 at 4:05 pm

    Margie, Welcome to our community but I am sorry you need to be here. If you search the form for Radical Cystectomy you will find a lot of results. Some of them will be hard to read but remember many of these are written right after the surgery and until you are healed it is hard to imagine that that will be behind you one day soon. No matter what kind of diversion you get we have seen over and over that people are miraculous in their ability to adjust and make it part of their new normal. At an informal poll of RC recipients the question was asked “what kind of diversion would you recommend” the answer was across the board was the one they had. That tells you a lot about how people adjust and adapt. As far as the RC goes it has not changed my life in any important way I still enjoy the same things and have the same problems as before but in my case I have a diversion that works better than my old bladder did and am cancer free, win win…. I am not making light of what you are facing just letting you know that there is light at the end of the tunnel.
    Let us know what your questions are we are here for you.

    Cynthia Kinsella
    T2 g3 CIS 8/04
    Clinical Trial
    Chemotherapy & Radiation 10/04-12/04
    Chemotherapy 3/05-5/05
    BCG 9/05-1-06
    RC w/umbilical Indiana pouch 5/06
    Left Nephrectomy 1/09
    President American Bladder Cancer Society

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