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  • Our Little Get Away!!!!

    Posted by on January 31, 2008 at 8:07 am

    We have just returned from our 5 day trip to Las Vegas. Surgery was 4 months ago, its hard to believe. Never thought we’d be taking a trip this soon but it happened and it went smooth. There were 7 of us, all family. While there we saw “LOVE’ at the Mirage where we stayed, what a fabulous rendition of Beatles music to Cirq de souille,,then we laughed at the show tony and Tina’s wedding, I can’t tell you how many times the 7 of us said how grateful we are to be there together after this past year. My sister in law lost her father to colon cancer last March. So she to had much sadness in her life as well.Mostly I am grateful we were able to do this as it has confirmed our belief we can go on after bladder cancer. It also confirms to me that laughter is the best medicine when one is down and out. Change your everyday habits a little to include something you like, something positive. Gene had no issues except a back ache from walking to much, actually mine hurt as well so not to worry!!! Our final nite we were playing slots with Julious Irving, otherwise known AS “Dr. J “from the seventy sixers, our children were excited to hear about our converstion with him. I wish all my friends on the forum can experience something similar in their life when they can. When there better, when there feeling its right to make the step into living once again.
    For us we are free of tests until March, then scans for lungs and pelvis for any signs of reoccurrence. But for now, we love life!!! And thank God everyday!! And thank him as well for giving me the strength to be the caregiver I needed to be!!! I continue to be that “watchful eye”””…

    replied 16 years, 5 months ago 6 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • Guest
    February 9, 2008 at 5:40 pm

    Great!!!!Its so nice to be apart of the moving america, especially at Disney.
    In spite of your concerns you made it a good trip. Fear is a part of so many things with bladder cancer, some fear expressing how they feel to others, going on a trip can give you fear, will I have everything I need etc., overcoming it is such a big deal!!! Your 4 year old son must have had a blast. It is magical and takes you out of the reality just for a while anyway. Still I am sorry you are going thru this, and as a caregiver sister I pray you have strength. Ginger
    ( you went to Disney I went to Vegas, both are sort of the same thing, in different ways,one is child like ne is adult like)

  • Aimeth

    February 9, 2008 at 2:43 pm


    I can relate with you. We just came back from a trip to Disney. I admit that at first I was very skeptical do to my husband’s condition. So I was afraid to go. Also there were some people that wanted to come with us and I was a bit uncomfortable with that. But I tell you I am so glad they all came with us, I was soooo wrong. It was 8 of us, that included my son 4 yrs and our niece 8. And in-spite of my husband having temperatures every day, pain, neck problems, constipation, a bed sore, doped on pain killers, not able to walk well(we had to wheel him in a wheel chair everywhere we went ) …… well we all had a wonderful time. We all connected and just laugh and all tried to forget about his cancer and fate.

    So from experience I agree with you, everyone if possible should do something like this. Get a change in climate and surroundings, take friends and family with you and just have fun. It did all of us a lot of good including my husband. If we did it and I tell you my husband is very sick now, I think that everyone else can do this too.

    Thanks for that Ginger! Take care, Aimeth

  • Guest
    February 5, 2008 at 5:56 pm

    Your trip sounds wonderful, I am a beach lover as well and the sun is my energy source, not much of it here lately in Cleveland Ohio.
    Yes it is amazing, this surgery is like being hit with a boulder and then instructed to get up and get moving.Now we just went on a trip. We hope to go to Tucson Arizona soon, no beach but lots of sun.
    Leigh I am so glad you are enjoying life, “THE CANARY ISLANDS”
    And thanks for your comments, I always look for your updates on your progress!

  • Leigh

    February 5, 2008 at 10:31 am

    Hello Ginger,

    So glad to hear about your 5 day trip to Las Vegas with Gene and your family.

    During my recovery from the RC which was the same time as Gene’s I never thought I could be well enough to even consider a trip away from home.

    It really is amazing that we can recover and return back to the land of the living after the RC, because at the time it seems like a never ending journey.

    During recovery I was grateful just to be able to have a little walk and was so happy even just to have a bowel movement…I am sure Gene remembers those days very well.

    My trip in December was for a week to Fuerteventura in the canary islands which I enjoyed so much and was so grateful to feel the suns warm on my face and body.

    Just all the little things make a world of difference having lovely meals and walking along the beach. All things I never dreamed could happen again so quickly after such radical surgery.

    It brings a smile to my face when I read stories like yours and others when we have recovered enough to start living again…

    Ginger please keep up your wonderful support you offer here at the forum and I wish you and Gene a wonderful few months together with ought any visits to mdical centers….

    Take care..

    Leigh, 39
    Dx July 2007
    TURBT July 2007
    RC/Neobladder ,Studer Pouch, September 2007
    Erasmus Centrum Rotterdam
    TNM Classification: pT4 N2 Mo
    4 cycles aduvant chemo Gemzar & Cisplatinum
  • Guest
    February 3, 2008 at 2:17 pm

    Thanks Maria,, it was a great time. Living in Cleveland I was just happy to see the sun for 5 days in a row, walking outside and seeing all the beautiful lights. Plus theres a continuous buzz of people moving along lots to do and see, makes you feel back in the groove!!!! Gene still has a couple issues, bowel related and nerve sparing concerns, all in due time!!!! One thing with this cancer, the surgery isn’t so bad its the complete recovery that matters, we in our sixties will not settle because for less because of our age, but we will accept what we can get and get back in the groove. Ginger

  • Maria

    February 2, 2008 at 4:10 am

    Ginger this is great news for you and Gene I am so pleased you enjoyed your well deserved vacation. Sounds like you had a great time and I am sure this must have been a great confidence boost for you both.
    Let me know if you plan a trip to Florida?

    Maria x

  • Harry s

    January 31, 2008 at 11:53 pm

    Ginger – How WONDERFUL! We are so glad you had a great time and that all went well…there is definitely HOPE :D Harry has one more cycle/round of chemo and once he feels better after that we are definitely going on a trip! Probably toward the end of March with our daughter. Not totally sure where yet, we thought about a cruise, but may play it a little safer and go visit his sister in AZ where we eventually want to move…then maybe a side trip to Vegas or Laughlin…then the next outing will definitely be a cruise! I echo your sentiments about being a caregiver…it definitely has its stresses!! We also thank God daily for our blessings and keep you and Gene in prayer. Margot and Harry

  • RAH

    January 31, 2008 at 11:31 pm

    Ginger and Gene,
    I am glad that you had a great time.

    One clarification, Julius Erving was known also as “Dr. J”.
    The nickname “Juice” was given to OJ Simpson. Two completly different people – and we are thankful for that.

    How did airport security handle Gene’s bag?

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