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  • My beloved Mother….

    Posted by BasnBian on September 19, 2015 at 1:31 am

    …. was diagnosed with bladder cancer in August of 2012. She underwent over a year of immunotherapy to finally enter remission in early 2014. Her tests and scopes all came out well until Tuesday of this week. The Doctor found something ” suspicious ” ( could be the early development of a new tumor, could be something else ) and now, she’s set to have a biopsy done on the 5th of October. We’re all upset by the turn of events and by the uncertainty we now face. Has anyone else gone through this and what options were you given if you have ? Nothing is confirmed as of yet and we were told that IF it is the cancer, it’s been found early. But, she’s so terrified that the cancer has somehow returned worse than before. I just want to try and figure out how to help her cope with what she believes is a set back. To make matters worse, she now says she’s found a lump in one of her breasts… this cancer can’t spread like that can it ? She’s gone through some depression after going into remission and it’s been awful this week after the tests. I’m trying to encourage her to get a prescription for a anti depressant to take the edge off of things for now. I know it’s not a long term ” fix ” but, I’m not sure what else to do. While this isn’t my first experience with a parent having cancer ( my Father died of a rare form of liver cancer – Cholangio Carcinoma – 11 years ago ) , it is the first time I’ve had this kind of experience with it. What can I do to comfort and support her through this ? I worry I’ll say or do the wrong thing. The first time she was diagnosed, I was so wrapped up in getting her treatment and staying by her throughout it. We’ve never dealt with a possible relapse before… it seems like this time is even worse than the original diagnosis. Please help !! Thank you….

    dougg replied 8 years, 9 months ago 4 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • dougg

    September 19, 2015 at 8:17 pm

    Sorry to hear of your mother’s possible recurrence and the lump in the breast. It is quite a blow. I think your suggestion of an antidepressant is a good one. Recurrences do happen with bladder cancer; Doug has had 6 surgeries since 2001 and is doing well. Hope things go well with your mom. How old is she?

    Best wishes,

    Forum Moderator
  • cynthia

    September 19, 2015 at 5:17 pm

    Of course your Mother is depressed one of the worst things about non invasive bladder cancer is that fact that it has a high rate of recurrence estimated to be between 50 to 70%. The good news is that the reason for having rechecks is to catch it early and deal with it and most times it will be of a like grade as the first. For some it never returns for others it returns and never is heard from again for some it is a game of catching it and taking care of it.
    If your Mom does not wish to take a antidepressant all you can do is be there for her and keep an eye. Also if you have not done so please get her in to get a check on that lump. We do have cases that breast cancer is found before and after bladder cancer and it has nothing to do with bladder cancer but is a second cancer. Lumps can be something or nothing but it is all in the knowing.
    The waiting is the hard part but you will know more once the pathology come back. Lets hope that it is just a set back and just a matter of getting to the other side of it.

    Keep us updated if you have questions or need to talk we are here for you.

    Cynthia Kinsella
    T2 g3 CIS 8/04
    Clinical Trial
    Chemotherapy & Radiation 10/04-12/04
    Chemotherapy 3/05-5/05
    BCG 9/05-1-06
    RC w/umbilical Indiana pouch 5/06
    Left Nephrectomy 1/09
    President American Bladder Cancer Society
  • OldEngineer

    September 19, 2015 at 1:26 pm

    Certainly hope everything comes out well for your mother. Your questions are good ones, they should be posed to her doctor(s) who are in the best position to give medical advice and diagnosis. If she can feel a lump in her breast, definitely she needs to tell that to a doctor as soon as possible. I had all of those questions myself – e.g., how quickly can bladder cancer spread (metastasis) – and my docs told me that that is very rare if the cancer is stage T0 or T1, usually has to be T3 (i.e. into the lymph nodes or fatty tissue under the muscle layer). Normally you get followup imaging after a TURBT (in my case a chest XRay to see if there is any spread to the lungs (they are one of the most common sites if there is a metastasis)).

    Again, hope your mother is o.k., but strongly recommend she seek guidance from her doctors on this matter, and quickly.

    T1 high grade transcell diagnosed 8/14/2015
    TURBT 8/21/2015, removed tumor (17mmX14mmX11mm)
    Repeat TURBT performed 9/25/2015
    Pathology Report: no residual cancer detected
    BCG planned starting in October

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