• Posted by Jennifer on June 7, 2006 at 9:24 pm

    Hi my name is Jennifer and my father in-law has just had radical bladder surgery done. He has had his prostrate removed also. My question is how much pain should he be in, the surgery was 14 days ago and he is at home now. He can not walk more then a few steps and he is winded. He says that he’s back hurts alot and he sleeps almost all the time. He use to smoke 3 packs a day and I wonder if this is from the smoke withdrawls also. He is also having a hard time keeping anything down and has slowed his intake of water greatlly. I just would like to know if this is normal. I am very worried that he is lossing so much weight and his sprits are very low too.

    Motherof3 replied 18 years ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Motherof3

    June 9, 2006 at 2:46 am

    Hi Jennifer,

    My father had this same surgery back in March–radical cystectomy, removal of prostate and pelvic lymphnodes.  He was diagnosed with Class 4 Tumor with one lymphnode involved.  My dad experienced much of the same effects that your father-in-law is going through.  His incision wasn’t too sore, but his back and bones ached more than anything.  Not being able to eat for 10 days or so didn’t help either.  However, my dad was not a smoker, so I can’t speak to any type of withdrawals from that.  You may want to ask the doctor about this.  Keep in mind, that his body has been through a lot in just a short amount of time.  The fact that people are able to even stand and walk after this kind of surgery is amazing to me.  As far as keeping his spirits up, just assure him that you and his family are there for him and will get through it together.  You have to fight this battle one day at a time.  Keep the doctor informed of what is going on with him.  Is he going to be going through any kind of Chemotherapy?  Please keep us updated.


  • rentanag

    June 8, 2006 at 1:23 am


    There are two things you mention that are extremely important to take care of and they are his inability to keep much down and also his decreased water intake.  His not drinking much could be partly due to his not keeping much down, and so someone should talk with his doctor or his doctor’s nurse to let them know of his situation.  There could indeed be other things going on, but much of it may be what I just mentioned.  These are not small things, and the sooner you or someone speaks to his docotr the better.
    With him having had his surgery such a short time ago it is not out of line to call in the evening, most doctors expect to occasionally get calls from their surgical patients at night.  They would prefer you call them now, rather than wait and perhaps have the patient become much sicker in the meantime.
    You don’t mention if he was doing better in the hospital and when he first arrived home, if this is different then it was then that makes it even more important to get answers now rather than wait.  I’ll keep you in my prayers and let us know how he’s doing.

    God Bless,

    Lou Graham

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