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  • rosemary

    August 9, 2006 at 11:01 am

    Congratulations Jeff!!
    I know this is a big relief!! I am very happy for you. Thanks for sharing your good news.


    Age – 55
    T1 G3 – Tumor free 2 yrs 3 months
    Dx January 2006
  • Cta7978

    August 9, 2006 at 3:58 am


    Take the wife out dancing!

    Chris A.
    Diagnosed T1G3 – 3/01/06
    37 yo, Seattle, WA
  • jeff_gill

    August 9, 2006 at 2:14 am

    Follow up!

    We saw the U.O.W. doctor today for the biopsy follow up on BC and Prostrate Cancer. The biopsy shows no cancer.
    I go back in 3 months for a peek. We know I have been blessed.
    I pray for all of you that you also will be free of this soon.
    God Bless,

  • jeff_gill

    July 11, 2006 at 5:09 pm

    Glad your doing okay.
    I went to the U.O.W Medical center last week for a 30min peek and poke.
    two hours later he was done. The Bladder looked good and biopsy of the bladder showed normal cells. The time spent on me was fixing what the other Uro didn’t do completly like remove more of the prostate like he should have.
    So he plans on doing another Lab test on the prostrate this week.
    He did tell us the tumor in the Bladder was not Tcc or agressive like the first Uro told us but Adenocarcinoma cancer that is slow to moderate this is still from the orginal lab results which I don’t have faith in.
    So for now it’s wait and see for the results. It really matters who you see a (guy) who says Bad Bad let’s remove all or a Doctor who tells you let’s get all the data in first.


  • BobinNJ

    July 11, 2006 at 4:17 pm

    I have the neo-bladder, which means completely remove old bladder and build a new one out of section of colon. All “plumbing” is hooked up as natural – no external bags or ports. I urinate thru penis, as before.
    Daytime full control came very quickly for me. Night was a little longer, but as of now (2 1/2 months after operation) I only occasionally have a little leakage at night- and even that is minimal.
    Best advice I can give is get a Doctor and facility who does lot’s of these procedures. I was able to get a great doctor (b. Bochner) at Sloan Kettering in NYC.

  • jeff_gill

    June 26, 2006 at 1:25 am

    Hi Jim,
    It’s been almost 2 months on this roller coaster ride for me and as of today I really don’t anymore than 2 months ago. So this Tuesday I’m going to the univeristy of Washington for them to see the biopsy as the local lab is confussed. I hope he can tell me something other than BAd BaD need to remove all your plumbing.
    So thank you for the reply.

  • Surfman

    June 26, 2006 at 12:21 am

    Do all invasive bladder cancer require removal of the whole bladder?



    No, Jeff. I have a Grade 4, stage 3 invasive bladder tumor and I am having tur, followed by chemoradiation. Studies show that this is just as effective as bladder removal. Check with your local teaching university, but don’t always listen to the urologists.

    Good Luck, Jim

    live aloha, Jim
  • Surfman

    June 26, 2006 at 12:20 am

    Do all invasive bladder cancer require removal of the whole bladder?



    No, Jeff. I have a Grade 4, stage 3 invasive bladder tumor and I am having tur, followed by chemoradiation. Studies show that this is just as effective as bladder removal. Check with your local teaching university, but don’t always listen to the urologists.

    Good Luck, Jim

    live aloha, Jim
  • jeff_gill

    June 23, 2006 at 11:42 pm

    Great news about your recovery.
    So you have the type of neo -bladder where you control urine release ?
    Or do you need to empty it during night? Well you be continent at night over time?


  • BobinNJ

    June 23, 2006 at 7:13 pm

    I had my RC on April 25, preceeded by three months of Chemo. The chemo was effective in reducing tumor enough that they were able to do full neo-bladder, which at first did not seem like an option. All done at Sloan Kettering in NYC- can’t say enough about how great the hospital, doctors and all associated were thru the whole thing.
    Now my recovery is ahead of schedule- I’m fully continent during day and almost so at night. At night I wear a pad and get up 2-3 times, but with only occasional leakage. No restrictions to my activity.
    Best advice I can give is find a Doctor who does a LOT of neo-bladders, like 40-50 per year, not just 2 or 3.

  • jeff_gill

    June 22, 2006 at 12:24 am

    To mother of 3,
    Sorry about your dad.
    If I can ask you a few questions.
    Did he get a second opinion?
    How long ago did your dad have the operation?
    If a while ago is he still active as before?
    What type of bladder did he get?
    Did they also remove his urination tube (can’t remember the name)?
    Is it leaking at night or during activity?


  • Motherof3

    June 21, 2006 at 11:29 pm

    Hi Jeff,

    My dad had a radical cystectomy and prostatectomy in March (removal of bladder and prostate).  From my understanding, each case is treated differently.  From everything I’ve read it looks like there are pros and cons to both removal and non removal.  If it is removed, hopefully it wouldn’t recur, but you would have to deal with the pouch or neobladder, etc.  My dad has had no problems with the external pouch.  His belief is that if he has to have the pouch in order to extend his life, it was a fair trade off.  However, He had grade 4 tumor with 1 lymphnode involvement, so it was a little bit different situation.  My dad is 59 also and like you, very active, non smoker, etc…
    Please keep us up to date with your decision and your progress.  You will get through it.  Just take it one day at a time.

    -Mother of 3

  • jeff_gill

    June 19, 2006 at 4:23 pm

    Thanks for all of your replys.

    The urol I have is sending the biopys to another lab for 2nd opinion.
    The the first one says it’s a t3 stage 2 tumor at the neck of the bladder which he removed June 5. Also the lab thinks I have prostrate cancer to boot.
    I’m 59 very active building stuff,fishing and play with the 5 grandkids.

    I’ve been trying reading everything I find on this .

  • Cta7978

    June 19, 2006 at 2:23 am

    Jeff, from what I understand if you have a solitary lower grade T2 which is located on the upper part of the bladder then you are a candidate for partial bladder removal only Here was a study I ran across with good results.. i.e. 80% survival at 5 years.


    Chris A.
    Diagnosed T1G3 – 3/01/06
    37 yo, Seattle, WA
  • skypilot

    June 18, 2006 at 7:13 pm

    May I ask what do you meen by that? Is it that bad? Don

    Hanging in there!
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