Home Forums All Categories Chit Chat Happy Thanksgiving

  • rosie

    November 15, 2007 at 11:41 pm

    Joe and all,

    A very Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! I am busy readying my home for my children and granchildren’s 4 days visit beginning on Thanksgiving Day. I am from this day forward going to be more invovled with all aspects of my family and less reaching out beyond to outside people who do not know me well nor get the full inflections of who I am because of writings that can be interpreted in any tone the reader sees fit. I care for everyone in this bladder cancer family and wish you the best. Consentrate more on what is good in your life and less on what is wrong or threatening. Think more like a victor than a victim. I am taking this advice to heart myself. If anyone wants to reach me, my email is posted on this site.
    Love and blessings to all, Rosie

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