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  • Gift Idea for the BC Patient

    Posted by Melodie on December 26, 2007 at 5:48 pm

    Here is a great idea for those close to you who might appreciate a very personal gift if you have time and talent.

    This Christmas I received from my daughter such a very special gift…a personal scrapbook that she put together about my journey thru bladder cancer. This of course takes lots of time and creativity…she is a college student and hasn’t lots of time… figures it took her about 30 hrs.,she is very creative and used photos that were taken of me and collected various quotes about cancer, and then had each member of our immediate family plus the in-laws write a letter to me. Of course I was completely overwhelmed and had the tears going. It was the last gift to be opened and all in the family were gathered round me…the high point of the day. And we also got snow on Christmas day which has only happened 5 times in last 100 years.

    My daughter also had a sweat shirt made up that has a cross on it and reads, “bladder cancer warrior”. Not all of course would want to be that bold to wear it, but I will wear it to work when I return, as I hope it invites questions from others and I see it as a tool for education as still so many have never even head of BC. Melodie

    Melodie, Indy Pouch, U.W.Medical Center, Seattle, Dr. Paul H. Lange & Jonathan L. Wright
    Melodie replied 16 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Melodie

    December 31, 2007 at 10:40 pm

    Thanks for the compliment…I try to be a good mom but it always feels like I can never do enough of the right things, whatever that may be. Now that my daughter has put together this scrap book, I really have something to live up to…everyone in my immediate famly always considered me the family “whimp” but after going thru
    chemo and surgery…well now, I have a new status…strong, tough, etc. and the book to remind me if ever I down play my experience with cancer. Melodie

    Melodie, Indy Pouch, U.W.Medical Center, Seattle, Dr. Paul H. Lange & Jonathan L. Wright
  • Maria

    December 29, 2007 at 4:40 am

    What a wonderful, thoughtful and considerate daughter Melodie. As you say your daughter must have worked so hard to get this special gift ready for you. I am not surprised you were overwhelmed, you are obviously a very special mom!

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