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  • Posted by Maria on December 23, 2007 at 4:08 am

    I just wanted to say to all Caregivers that you are very special people with great qualities and strengths and many other attributes….. to many to mention. I can’t imagine the emotional and physical stress but I do try and understand that being a caregiver can bring pain and happiness with progress.

    Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for 2008
    Maria xx

    replied 16 years, 6 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Guest
    December 24, 2007 at 1:13 am

    Yes Karen, We are forgotten sometimes. When I am asked how I am doing I think to myself “you really don’t want to know.”.I find a drive to the store, some private time to cry or whatever helps to clear your mind. The fact that you are thrown together 24/7 is alot to get use too. The focus is always on the patient, of course.A piling on in your head goes on, when the pile gets too deep you need to ventilate somehow. Therefore the forum , and maybe that ride to the store. I am finding bits and pieces of my personality again, the one I remember. I look at my face and think, wow, I have aged thru this process as well, no wonder. Gene has but weight back on , I think he is almost normal looking, unless his pouch fills up and his shirt gets a little puffy, no problem, a run to the john and he is back to normal again. He still has some issues, healing in the groin area, but we were assured its still early for healing to be complete. Next visit in March, cat scan and chest exray, pre-cautionary. What a whirl wind you have been thru, I’ll not ever forget your first post. And one never forgets the words spoke to you on day of diagnosis, and here we are!!! 6 MONTHS LATER, so Karen if the pile gets to deep go for that ride, take some grapes..merry christmas.. Ginger

  • momof4

    December 23, 2007 at 3:19 pm


    Thank you Maria!

    We do tend to get overlooked a lot as caregivers….phone calls “How is ______ Doing? I told my mother the other day that I was tired of being the strong one. If something needs to get done “Karen” can do it…That’s what everyone says. That is the way it has been for many years prior to my husbands DX. I have been (or still am) Mother, Class mother, Den Mother, PTA VP, Asst. Soccer Coach, Softball Coach, Hostess, maid, cook, (Chef on occasion too LOL) cab driver, Caregiver for my husbands Grandmother, my father, and now my husband. (I am sure there are a few more hats I forgot too) I have trouble just “Sitting”, I always feel like there is something I should be doing….I honestly wouldn’t have it any other way…but boy am I tired…A friend just bought an Espresso Machine for me, and I have been making Cuban coffee for the past few days…It helps tremendously! LOL

    I told my husband I must have been royalty in a previous life, and just sat around eating grapes all day…I am sure making up for it this time around. LOL :)

    Merry Christmas Everyone!

    Caregiver for my Wonderful Husband Angelo, who has Metastatic Bladder Cancer.

    Life isn’t about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain.

  • Guest
    December 23, 2007 at 3:06 pm

    Thank you Maria,
    As my husbands caregiver I must say you are right, but for me to watch what one who is diagnosed with this disease goes through emotionally is extremely sad. But only for me I can add love, compassion, and a desire to see there is life at the end of the road . Along the way you may loose site of yourself in your efforts to make the road easier for your loved one, you will find yourself again, you are never lost, Ginger Beane

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