Home Forums All Categories Women and Bladder Cancer "Early menopause" and BC article

  • wendy

    January 16, 2008 at 8:50 am


    Hi Sherri,

    There’s some info on the ‘women’s page’ on the main site. I would not be worried that having surgery in October would cause anything like bladder cancer to appear so quickly. It takes years for tumors to grow. Perhaps the doctors mis-diagnosed your blood in the urine, and missed the bladder cancer until now. They almost never look for blc in young women, calling it “rare”, even though pre-menopausal women with bladder cancer is almost as common as various GYN cancers.

    I was put into chemical menopause at 43, for breast cancer. I sure hope it doesn’t mean I will get bladder cancer too. When treatments ended after 5 yrs, my periods returned sporadically and the mood swings and cramps…are almost worse than having cancer! I hope I’m in “real” menopause now, I’m 51…last time the hormones hit (and almost killed me) was in June.


  • rosemary

    January 13, 2008 at 12:10 pm


    Maybe Zach will come on here soon and help you to find that article.

    However, in reading your post I see that you were having the symptom of blood in the urine before the onset of your sudden menopause. This makes me think that whatever is causing the blood was there at least a few months before your surgery.

    In reading your post here and also in another thread I still can’t determine if you have had a Dx of bladder cancer.

    Just a word of caution, be careful of jumping to conclusions and making yourself scared.

    Also, I’m curious to know if the mass on your ovary (?) was benign? I had a mass on my ovary many, many years ago, but it did not require a hysterectomy.

    I’m just trying to get the full picture here.

    Your new bud,

    Age – 55
    T1 G3 – Tumor free 2 yrs 3 months
    Dx January 2006
  • SherriX2

    January 13, 2008 at 4:06 am

    I had to have a emer. hyster. (called a TAH BSO) due to a mass on Oct 1st.But for months before that everytime time I went to the doctor,(I was in a lot of pain since May) my urine always came back + for blood with no bacteria. Now since I had my TAH BSO I am in sudden surgial menopause. I am still haveing the pain in my bladder & right kidney that the doctors thought were coming for the big mass I had in my R tube and on my R ovary. And the pain has gotten worst, so now I was being testing for bladder cancer.

    I wonder if the BC might be because of my sudden memopause? I went to read articlem but got this message “The page you are seeking has expired and is no longer available at MSNBC.com.”

    Does anyone have the article? Or read it and give me a heads up on it? Is there a spell check here? I am so sleepy I know I have mispelled wromg and grammer mistakes :-[

    I had a emergency TAH BSO on OCT 1 and now I am in sudden surgical menopause.I am now being testing for bladder cancer and will have results in 2 wks ( about the end of Jan)
  • Guest
    April 27, 2007 at 6:00 pm

    Hang in there Mouse……..it will get better. You’re a baby……trust me. And when you get your staging or however they’re doing it on the new scale let us know and we’ll guide you thru it………..Pat

  • Mouse1

    April 27, 2007 at 12:56 pm

    :'(Hi girls just been turbted age 46 no grade yet menopause at 38 only asked if i smoked. dont life just get better with age

  • Guest
    April 22, 2007 at 4:37 am

    OK….we’ve got it girls…now when the docs ask the next bladder cancer patient if they’ve smoked or been around dyes and chemicals they will also have to include standing on ones head or dancing on tables at Elvis concerts. We’re definately on to something! Pat

  • Sandra

    April 21, 2007 at 9:27 pm

    Hi Everyone: OMG – I stood on my head a lot, hung by my toes on the jungle gym everyday grades 1-4, did backwards somersaults for years AND danced on a few tables at Elvis concerts (back in a day)! Menopause at 52, bladder cancer at 63 no UTI – and I’m with Pat – Rosemary what is this no mood swings or hot flashes – you must be joking! How can that be? LOL

    “Grandmothers are just antique little girls….”
  • Guest
    April 21, 2007 at 5:13 pm

    Oh my gosh Clur…you’re on to something…….i too stood on my head a lot……lots of cartwheels too!
    And Rosemary I hate you…….what do you mean no hot flashes..no mood swings??

  • rosemary

    April 21, 2007 at 3:17 pm

    I’m with Pat and Claire.  I hit menopause at the same time as BC diagnosis (age 53).  I had one menstrual cycle in March after the January diagnosis.  No hot flashes, and no mood swings.  

    The only UTI that I remember was on my honeymoon when I peed pure blood into the toilet.  

    Out of 35 first cousins over the age of 50,  I am the only one with any form of cancer.  One of my cousins is male and over 50, smoked his whole life and owned and worked in his Cleaning Laundry for 30 years.

    I hope that some day that someone can really determine what causes this cancer.  You can’t prove the statistics by me.  


    Age – 55
    T1 G3 – Tumor free 2 yrs 3 months
    Dx January 2006
  • clur

    April 21, 2007 at 2:58 pm

    I think they could say standing on one hand wagging your feet in the air increases the risk of baldder cancer they really dont seem to with the exception of smoking and industrial exposure to certain chemicals.
    I was 41 bladder cancer made me have an early menopause,I have never smoked only drink minimally and have never had a bladder infection.I did do lots of handstands when I was younger though.
    LOL Claire x

  • Guest
    April 20, 2007 at 3:44 pm

    Yet another study i wasn’t in…..i hit menopause at 54..never had a urinary tract infection and got bladder cancer at 60!!………I wonder if all these women also ate brocolli….they could associate bladder cancer with that too. ;)

  • Lhpdogs

    April 20, 2007 at 11:59 am

    Hmmm since when has the frequency of urinary tract infections EVER been associated with a greater risk for bladder cancer (as suggested in this article)? I’ve never read about that anywhere before… and since I only had 2 UTIs in my ENTIRE life, yet was diagnosed with BC at age 47, I wonder about that..!! :o

    TaG1 12/05
    3 recurrences
    BCG started 9/09

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