• Melodie

    September 29, 2009 at 6:16 pm

    Yes, I agree with Pat…I think it happens with all the diversions and perhaps related to just how much and what segments they take of the intestines. If I have anything dairy related, be it icecream, dressings, cheese, etc. I will see mucus. If I eat anything green and leafy, I find tiny pieces of green particles later that day when I empty. And since I like the extras on salads and those grain types of bread, I then see small seeds when I empty. Who knew peeing could be so interesting. :unsure:

    Melodie, Indy Pouch, U.W.Medical Center, Seattle, Dr. Paul H. Lange & Jonathan L. Wright
  • Guest
    September 29, 2009 at 4:14 am

    I think this is a problem noone talks about but it seems to happen regardless of diversion. As for mine which is an Indiana
    Following removal of the ileocecal valve, the absorptive processes in some patients may be affected due to the development of high concentrations of bacteria in the ileum. Severe diarrhea may occur as a result of fat malabsorption or irritation of unreabsorbed bile salts on the colonic mucosa.[38] Diarrhea also may occur when major portions of the large bowel are removed. In this case, a significant amount bicarbonate can be found in the fecal fluid, since alkaline ileal contents drain into a shortened large bowel segment, which may result in acidosis and dehydration.
    But if you still have your ileocecal valve its probably due to the amount of intestine used or what part of intestine used. Its amazing how many different ways there are to make these pouches.
    Personally i think mine happens when i get an overload of fat..i’m fine in the morning with milk but if i drink it in the afternoon i’m in trouble especially on an empty stomach.
    But i’m guessing …just like the doctors who are trying to figure out my 7 day bout of nausea…internist sends me to gastro and gastro thinks its my uro’s problem…….My metabolism is screwed up me thinks and i think i have to solve it!!:dry: Pat

  • webs

    September 29, 2009 at 1:35 am

    Hi Don,

    I am 17 months post op with a neo-bladder. I have major issues with vegetables. :S Especially leafy ones. :angry: I eat them because I am supposed to, but my system really does not like them. My only other problem is if I drink to much milk I have a lot of mucus in my urine.

    Not much help I know, but at least we are not alone.


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