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  • Terri_S.

    April 2, 2006 at 9:19 pm

    Hi Wendy,
    Great information! My dad will have lots of help when he gets home so that will be taken care of. I figured he would want to be on a diet where he didn’t have to strain much to move materials through the bowels.
    Thanks again for taking the time to post. I appreciate it!

    Terri :)

    Hi Terri,

    There is a patient created ‘survival guide’ for what to expect after bladder removal, an excerpt regarding diet, “Diet
    It is important to have help and someone to cook for you in the early days. You may also want to prepare meals ahead of time and freeze them to make things easier afterwards. Aside from not being able to lift anything heavy, you may not be able to concentrate well. For example, you may find that you cannot figure out what to do with the egg while standing in front of the pot of boiling water. Proper nutrition is important in rebuilding your health and strength after surgery. In addition, you are trying to re-establish normal bowel function, so a proper diet is essential. Your doctor may make specific dietary recommendations and may also recommend stool softeners so that you do not strain too much. If your doctor or nurse does not make recommendations in these areas, it is best to ask for information. Your bowel functioning will probably be different in those first few weeks after the surgery.”

    The whole page is here:

    Good luck with everything!

  • Terri_S.

    April 2, 2006 at 9:16 pm

    Hi Linda,
    Thanks for sharing! I will relay this information to my dad! All systems are go for this Thursday, April 6th!

    Thanks again!

    Hi, Terri,
    My instructions were to eat a regular diet as tolerated. Some people have found spicy foods or heavy foods a little much after the surgey. Your dad probably should gradually go from softer, easy to digest foods to his regular diet to be safe. I wish him a successful surgery and a quick recovery.
    My best,
    Linda W.

  • wendy

    March 31, 2006 at 1:16 pm

    Hi Terri,

    There is a patient created ‘survival guide’ for what to expect after bladder removal, an excerpt regarding diet, “Diet
    It is important to have help and someone to cook for you in the early days. You may also want to prepare meals ahead of time and freeze them to make things easier afterwards. Aside from not being able to lift anything heavy, you may not be able to concentrate well. For example, you may find that you cannot figure out what to do with the egg while standing in front of the pot of boiling water. Proper nutrition is important in rebuilding your health and strength after surgery. In addition, you are trying to re-establish normal bowel function, so a proper diet is essential. Your doctor may make specific dietary recommendations and may also recommend stool softeners so that you do not strain too much. If your doctor or nurse does not make recommendations in these areas, it is best to ask for information. Your bowel functioning will probably be different in those first few weeks after the surgery.”

    The whole page is here:

    Good luck with everything!

  • LindaW

    March 30, 2006 at 10:51 pm

    Hi, Terri,
    My instructions were to eat a regular diet as tolerated. Some people have found spicy foods or heavy foods a little much after the surgey. Your dad probably should gradually go from softer, easy to digest foods to his regular diet to be safe. I wish him a successful surgery and a quick recovery.
    My best,
    Linda W.

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