Home Forums All Categories Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer chemo after cystectomy

  • wendy

    August 5, 2006 at 7:19 pm

    Hi Jay,

    Suffering from bladder cancer is one way to put it. ‘Living with bladder cancer’ is another way to put it. For you, right now chemo is part of it. Treatments end, though, and life will continue. You’re in a cycle at this point in time, when the rounds of treatment end another cycle begins; that of survivor.

    It’s not as easy as it sounds. Without support it’s almost impossible to get through. If you don’t have family perhaps there are social services that could be of help. The American Cancer Society is one place to start-if you’re American, that is. Most institutions have some kind of social worker

    I’m so sorry to hear you’re in pain. Lou is absolutely right when she says there are many treatments out there to help with both the pain of cancer as well as treatment side effects. I hope you’re seeing a good doctor who can either help you with your concerns or refer you to the experts who can. Where are you located? Maybe you could get some good referrals for a consult, second opinion or good institution close to you.

    All the best,

  • rentanag

    August 5, 2006 at 6:30 pm


    I’m so very sorry that you’re in pain, but if any of us are to help you we’d need to know a little bit more information if you’re willing to share it.  First tell us how old you are, and what you know about your pathology report, and the type of urinary diversion you had done.  Then can you tell us where you live and where you’re receiving your chemotherapy.
    It’s possible that that info might not give any of us the info we’d need to help you, but perhaps someone on this web site will have had a similar experience with the type of chemotherapy you’re receiving (I forgot to say you’d need to tell us that info also).  I personally haven’t had any chemotherapy, but I know certain drugs cause certain side effects, and many of them have another medication that might assist with the side effects (here again I forgot to ask what all your side effects are, and the type of pain you’re having).
    I hope it doesn’t seem like I’m prying, but I think having the above information might help someone else to be able to help you.  I’m just asking the questions that someone else would also ask.  I know that sometimes we feel like we can’t ask our doctors these questions, and maybe that’s why you’re asking your question here where there are people who have experienced what you’re experiencing.  But your doctor or his/her nurse could probably help you as well.  You need to let them know how miserable you are, because if they don’t know, they can’t help you.  I know from experience that telling someone I’m in pain, but showing no outward side of that pain doesn’t get a response from a doctor or nurse.  I think they expect a person to be crying or screaming when they’re in pain, but many people don’t show their pain, I know I didn’t and it took a long time for me to get the people I was telling that to to actually hear what I was saying.
    We are here to help if we can, just tell us some more particulars and maybe we’ll get you on the road to some actual help for the pain you’re in.  For now know we’ve got you in our prayers, and that we care.

    God Bless.


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