• Posted by julieanne on August 2, 2008 at 3:20 am

    Hi Ginger and everyone else. I have been out of touch for a while because my computer was in the shop. Since I have gotten it back, I guess I have just been lurking. I really don’t have much to share. THings are pretty much the same with us. Mama is going strong (it seems). She went to the doc a couple of weeks ago and had lost 12 pounds. Doctor was a little concerned, but I chalked it up to her new found diet. Otherwise, we learned nothing which I guess is ok. No scans. Of course they drew blood but we never heard from them which either means everything is ok or they figure what’s the point since she isn’t having treatment. She is amazing to me. SHe goes and goes and works and works. Sometimes I think it is almost like she is trying to prove she still can or that maybe she feels she is trying to cram lots of stuff in just in case.
    When I was able to get back online, I found that we had lost dear Susan. That stunk because she was such a wonderful woman and also because she was diagnosed about the time Mama was. Some days, I find that I almost don’t even think about it anymore. That is nice but a little scary because I don’t want to get caught off guard. Other times, I have vivid nightmares about her death. It takes days to completely get the images out of my mind.
    I hope everyone is hanging in there. I find comfort knowing that I can come here and say as much or as little as I want. I know that this site will be a great comfort when my situation takes a turn for the worse.

    replied 15 years, 11 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
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    August 2, 2008 at 3:59 pm

    Your computer was on the fritz!!! And mama lost 12 pounds, I want that new found diet she is on,,she sounds amazing, focus focus focus.. I wondered if you saw Kenzie, I sent you the message about her , its in chit chat, from one 12 year old baseball player to another..
    I am happy all is okay with you there, my daughter will be teaching high school biology this fall, UGH!!! School will be here before you know it!!!
    Gene has his one year check up Sept. 20th, we are praying for the best!!


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