• Guest
    December 7, 2007 at 4:05 pm

    My problem is not in the diagnosis phase but the maintenence phase and it seems to vary widely between doctors and institutions and countries. My oncologist felt he could tell by my blood work if anything was amiss so i made the decision after 2 yrs to only have the CT scans at a year interval. I have blood work done every 6 months.

  • Maria

    December 7, 2007 at 1:56 pm

    I am with you on this one Holly. The benefits of CT scans, in my view for my BC is considerably greater than the risk, if any, associated with the scan.

  • Guest
    December 7, 2007 at 2:16 am

    Hi Greta and Don,
    I must admit that I am clueless as to how much danger there is in CAT scans for the average healthy individual vs (for instance) a cancer patient. I know that I have had 3 CT chests this year with the 4th one coming up soon. I also have had 3 bone scans and other films/exrays to boot. Personally, I am more afraid of giving the cancer a chance to grow unseen than I am of scanning. I am curious how other stage 2’s and 3’s feel about this one – pipe in folks :)
    God Bless, Holly

  • skypilot

    December 7, 2007 at 12:04 am

    I am not sure but arround here on the world and local news ther have been some reports that it is like a 100 normal xrays. We must do waht we have to to limit. They say if you need it do it but to many docs are to fast to pull the triger. Don

    Hanging in there!

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