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  • Bladder choices & pantyhose

    Posted by Nancy on December 26, 2006 at 11:21 am

    Shortly I’ll be having to make the choice between an internal or external new bladder/bag.  It would be helpful to me if those who have chosen either type could tell me if they’re satisfied or perhaps might have made a different decision and why.  At this point, I’m leaning towards the external stoma/bag.  The thought of having to cath makes me cringe.

    Also, for those with external bags, how does one wear pantyhose or control top type briefs or same in thigh length?  While I have no aesthetic issues about an external bag, I do have one about jiggles.  I still am laughing about that…

    Thanks – Nancy

    replied 17 years, 5 months ago 6 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Guest
    January 25, 2007 at 7:12 pm

    Well Jean i’m glad you don’t need 3 hands…..the 3 weeks i had the external pouch i sure needed them….every other bag leaked or fell off….i got a severe reaction to the adhesive….i’m allergic to latex……..but i was just venturing an opinion. And you’re right the mind and body will adjust to whatever it has to. But for me having an option and having done the research the Indiana Pouch was the right decision for me.

  • jmema

    January 25, 2007 at 6:48 pm

    I just wanted to post this in case you have your surgery, for some reason you end up with an ileal conduit like many of us. I am 72 years old, have very sensetive skin so I was very afraid of skin problems but because of a wonderful stoma nurse teaching me all the tricks I have had very little trouble with skin problems and the few that I had were easily corrected. I have very bad arthritis in my hands and you DO NOT need three hands to change a bag. The first few times I was all thumbs and terrified and now it’s like second nature, so I don’t want anyone to be frightened if they end up with the bag. It’s not the end of the world and sure beats the alternative. My kids joke constantly that “Momma has a brand new Bag”. I would rather not have had cancer at all but you deal with what you have to deal with and all in all it’s not so bad. The bag doesn’t bother me most of the time, especially not when I have my grandbabies on my lap. ;)

  • MrsRich1

    January 24, 2007 at 4:27 am

    Hi Nancy–Don’t know if you have had your surgery yet–You didn’t say when it would be.  I did have to reply to your note to say thank you for the chuckle.  I had my RC Feb 2006–had the Neobladder.  I was feeling a bit down because I have not yet acheived continence and your note was just what the doctor ordered.
    God bless you as you face your surgery.  I just hope all will go as well as it did for me.  This continence thing seems to be ongoing, but I’ll master it yet and since that will not be an issue with you, I am praying that your recovery is quick and complete.
    BTW–I had an indwelling epidural along with the general anesthesia and I would recommend it highly.  NO PAIN after my surgery except for one night after the epidural was removed and even that was bearable –especially after a shot of Demerol ;).
    Good luck and God bless,

  • Guest
    January 21, 2007 at 6:00 pm

    Oh my gosh..its a no contest….The Indiana Pouch is awsome….you won’t even know its there after time…the body is a remarkable thing…it just adjusts . And the cathing isn’t a big deal…..my stoma is at my naval…easy to get to (especially if in a traffic jam…keep a mayonaisse jar in the car!!!)..actually that only happened once!!……..Now granted you have to train it but its trainable and easy and there are no nerves there so it doesn’t hurt,….it won’t take you any more time than sitting down and you will never sneeze and leak again. A lot of people are allergic to the adhesives with the external bags…they frequently leak …you need at least 3 hands to change them……..aaargh……Indiana is my choice most definately. My stomach is flat…my scars are gone….no bag!!! Pat

  • martha

    January 11, 2007 at 9:28 pm

    I had my radical cystectomy in October. I had the choice of the bag or neo-bladder. I opted for the bag. No problems. As far as pantyhose, I am buying a size larger and staying away from the control tops. Also have found stretch panties that will keep you from “jiggling”.

  • jmema

    January 5, 2007 at 5:53 pm

    Hi Nancy,
    I looked at your thread and maybe I missed it but I don’t know how old you are. I am 72 and had the external bag because of the amount of intestine used for the indiana pouch. I could not have the neobladder because of the location of my cancer. I also have always had IBS and wanted to minimize my chances of having intestinal problems. I really do think if I were younger I would have gone the extra mile and had the indiana pouch but the bag isn’t bad…..really. You get used to it and it sort of becomes part of you. I had some real issues with it at the beginning…my surgery was Oct. 19th. but now it lasts 4 days with no problem and it would go longer but becaue of bacteria I don’t like to leave it more than 4 days.
    This was a very special Christmas for me. I came out of my surgery cancer free and didn’t have to have any chemo so spending the day with my children, grandchildren and greatgrandson was like a dream. So MEMA got all dresssed up. To the 9’s actually and had on panty hose and all. It’s amazing what you can do with the right attitude. I hope whatever you decide you have the best outcome possible.
    Blessings and best wishes….Jean

  • Northernjamie

    January 4, 2007 at 7:15 pm

    I have been self-cathing for the last few weeks after having surgery for an Indiana Pouch a few months ago.  It was a long recovery period but now couldn’t be happier with my new bladder.  After walking around with 2 external bags while my new pouch healed I can’t imagine living with an external bag.  The cathing is going really well, cringing lasted for a very short time and now it’s getting to be second nature.  I’m a 60 year old female (feel 40) and pretty active with horseback riding so didn’t want to worry about a bag sloshing around, plus feeling good about body image not having a bag.  

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