• catherineh

    July 11, 2011 at 4:18 pm

    Hello Dixie… If I understand your post correctly, your adenocarcinoma has been caught fairly early. That is good news in midst of an otherwise storm of shock when you first hear any kind of cancer diagnosis.

    My adenocarcinoma was at the bladder dome but did not involve the urachus, so I can’t add anything to that specific discussion. I had a partial cystectomy which removed the wall section around the tumor site. Mine was caught relatively early at 1.6 cm. He also removed the urachus and some lymph nodes which were all clear.

    I hope you will let us know how things go as you talk to your uro about your treatment plan. This is a wonderful site for moral support as well as information.

    Best wishes… Catherine

    TURBT 1/21/10 at age 55
    Dx: T2aN0M0 Primary Bladder Adenocarcinoma
    Partial Cystectomy 2/25/10
    Vanderbilt Medical Center
    Nashville, TN

  • Guest
    July 10, 2011 at 6:10 pm

    We’ve had many who are from the UK on this site…some have used The Royal Marsden, The Christie, Markey…..
    But it sounds like your uro really is up with the latest treatment for this rare cancer wherever he is.

  • Guest
    July 10, 2011 at 8:12 am

    Hello Pat

    thank you so much for your offer of help in locating a surgeon – however I live in the UK not USA – I have googled the new one I have been assigned – he has lots of qualifications and works in a well respected cancer treating hospital. Time will tell..

    Over the past few days I have met other other people with similar conditions to my own – over the internet of course – and it has been great talking to them – where would we all be without the world wide web.

    Once again may I say thanks for your kind assistance and I look forward to getting to know both yourself and other people on this forum better


  • Guest
    July 9, 2011 at 6:16 pm

    Hi Dixie,
    Well you’ve got a rare one and i don’t know where you are located but will tell you the surgeon you pick is crucial to success. I can help you there.
    Urachal cancer does not seem to respond to treatment for bladder cancer, but recently there seems to have been more success using chemotherapy regimes used for bowel cancer. Surgery is also used, sometimes with partial or full removal of the bladder, urachus and any cancerous lymphnodes. As this disease is so rare it is difficult to find any recent statistical information covering a large sample of patients, but there has definitely been progress in treatment and people with urachal cancer have been successfully treated .
    Let me know where you are located so we can find you the best specialist.

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