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  • abbreviations, medical terms and email slang

    Posted by wendy on January 24, 2006 at 11:47 am

    Some of the commonly used abbreviations that you will encounter reading this site, message board and in our discussion group are:

    TCC =transitional cell carcinoma–most common form of bladder cancer
    TUR= transurethral resection–minimally invasive surgery performed via the urethra, also known as:
    TURBT-transurethral resection bladder tumor
    IVP= intraveinous pyelogram–test for checking the kidneys and ureters
    CYSTO =cystoscopy, inspection of the bladder with a lighted instrument.
    RESECTION =(surgically) cutting out.
    CIS =carcinoma in situ (flat tumor)
    TURB, TURP = TransUrethral Resection of the Bladder or Prostate
    RC = radical cystecomy (surgical removal of the bladder and prostate in men, bladder and reproductive organs in women)
    POKE & PEEK or P&P= term used on the bladder cancer email discussion group, referring to periodic cystoscopy exams.
    Slash and Burn – TUR plus fulguration
    POUCH PEOPLE= term used to refer to those who have had their bladder removed and an internal reservoir reconstructed from bowel tissues (sometimes called “marsupials”, like the pouched animals, e.g. kangaroos).
    “CYSTO KIDS” = term used on the bladder cancer discussion group, referring to those who still have their bladders and thus have to have periodic cystoscopic exams.
    p53= a biomarker which may be tested to check for tumor characteristics/ risk factors
    CCDRT= cell culture drug resistance testing (chemo sensitivity assay)
    MVAC= common chemo cocktail for bladder cancer
    CMV = chemo cocktail
    CISCA= chemo cocktail
    5FU= flourouracil (a chemo)
    GC= Gemzar (gemcitabine) and Cisplatin (platinol), a chemo combination
    BCG=-Bacillus Calmette-Guerin -immunotherapy for superficial blaCa
    IFN= Interferon, an immunotherapy
    KLH =keyhole limpet hemocyanin–immunotherapy for superficial TCC
    PDT= photodynamic therapy–experimental tx for superficial TCC
    TNM/Staging system T=tumor size, N=nodes involved, M=metastasis
    MRI= magnetic resonance imaging, diagnositic test
    CT= computerized tomography, diagnostic test
    PET= positron emission tomography, diagnostic test
    SCC =small cell carcinoma; squamous cell carcinoma–both rare forms of bladder cancer
    RCC= renal cell carcinoma–kidney (also called renal pelvis) cancer
    Medical terms
    qd = every day
    bid = twice a day (“bi” = two)
    tid = three times a day (“tri”= three)
    qid = four times a day (“quad” = four)
    qod = every other day
    q 8 hrs = every 8 hours
    p.o. = by mouth
    I.M. = intramuscular
    I.V. = intravenous
    a.c. = before meals (“ante cibum”)
    p.c. = after meals (“post cibum”)
    H.S. = bedtime, hour of sleep
    rbc = red blood cells
    wbc = white blood cells
    anemia = usually refers to RBC deficiency
    leukocytopenia = WBC deficiency, often a side effect of chemo, exposes the patient to infection susceptiility.
    thrombocytopenia = platelet deficiency
    sx = surgery (or symptoms)
    dx = diagnosis
    tx = treatment
    hx = history
    px = physical
    gy = Grey –a radiation unit
    rad = a radiation unit
    rad tx = radiation therapy
    PT = physical therapy
    OT = occupational therapy
    (Thanks to Kathy Knight, RN)
    Email and message board slang:
    LOL -laugh out loud
    ROTFL -roll on the floor laughing
    IMHO -in my humble opinion
    -BTW by the way
    :-) smile
    :-( frown
    FYI for your information!
    d/o, s/o, w/o, h/o = daughter of, son of, wife of, husband of DIL, SIL,
    MIL, FIL = daughter-in-law, son-in-law, mother-in-law, father-in-law

    Wendy replied 18 years, 5 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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