
1-31 May 2022

May is Bladder Cancer Awareness Month! 

25 February 2022

Our organization is 14 years old today!  In the 14 years since our organization was founded, tens of thousands of individuals have visited our website/social networking site. The Forum has grown to hold almost 55,000 posts from thousands of bladder cancer survivors and caregivers.

20 January 2021

Welcome to our updated site and forum!  After over a year of planning these past months have been busy for us here with not only our daily work but with the build of the new site. Be looking for more updates as further work will be ongoing in the coming months. Except for professional help to maintain our website, this is a total volunteer organization.  It is amazing the generosity of time and treasure that helps us help other survivors year in and out.  Our community is indeed a labor of love.

Cynthia Kinsella

Bladder Cancer Survivor

President and CEO

American Bladder Cancer Society