Home Forums All Categories Women and Bladder Cancer Visible Blood after Activity Only (running or long brisk walks) Reply To: Visible Blood after Activity Only (running or long brisk walks)

  • fig1977

    June 30, 2024 at 10:20 pm

    Hi Alan! Normally I would agree with you, but he wants a scan with contrast (that’s better for seeing tumors/kidney structure). On top of everything else, I am pathologically afraid of needles. Had a blood draw this week and almost levitated off the chair with the baby butterfly needle. My understanding is the CT contrast IV needs to use a larger bore than most IVs because the contrast is thick and needs to be pushed quickly. This has sent me over the edge. Then there is the actual contrast and the unpleasantness of that….heat/peeing in pants feeling/flushing/etc.

    I bought lidocaine cream that appears to work super well at numbing my skin. I think it’s probably not numbed too terribly deep, but hoping it takes the edge off the giant initial stab. Test is tomorrow. Not looking forward to it. I am praying they find nothing. Thank you for being there.