woried about BC
Hello everyone. I am new here and not quite sure or comfortable with writing. I am 57 years old, post menopause going on 4-5 years now. I had a colonoscopy the beginning of January and was told all was fine besides internal and external hemorrhoids which I knew I had and was aware of. A week after that, I ended up with burning, urgency, frequency, pain. Went to an urgent care. They told me there was no blood seen, but that I did have an UTI. I was put on an antibiotic. Two months later, I felt I was getting another UTI. Same symptoms but this time, I noticed when I wiped, there was a slight small red spot on the toilet paper. So also a little drop in the toilet bowl. my urine did not appear discolored. I went to the Dr. She ran a quick office check and said it did show blood in the urine but actually no UTI. She did start me on another antibiotic because she felt all my symptoms, the blood in the urine were indicative of another UTI, but she would send it off for C&S. She called me back a few days later and said the C&S came back negative…no UTI???? I am going back this week and having a urinalysis, C&S recheck to see if in fact the blood still shows and what all the other values are on the urinalysis. My mom did also have a history of bladder CA, in situ, I believe because way back then, she never ever had anything other than what was called a chemo flush I remember??? So my question to all, how concerning this time around now that I did in fact see a spot in the toilet, on toilet paper, my Dr. said my office quick check did show blood, but no UTI, should I be concerned with bladder cancer. I know what my steps should probably be if my recheck does in fact show blood again, but what if it is negative??? I am really concerned, confused, and would love to hear from others who may have experienced anything similar. Thanks all.