Wondering about new Urologist I’m looking into
My current urologist is pretty good he performed my TURBT on Tuesday September 12th. Had Catheter removed Monday the 18th, and overall feel pretty darn good even with the weird itchiness I’ve had in my urethra (from catheter removal).
I have two uretal stents for the next couple weeks yet (one for kidney stone ; one for where the tumor was located) I see my urologist tomorrow for pathology. A little nervous, but holding it down pretty well honestly. MY QUESTION:
I want to switch to a top urologist depending on tomorrows pathology outcome. The one I can find in Colorado is Dr. Sandra Wilson.
Does anyone have any experience, insight or recommendations for this DR or any others in CO?
Heavy Wine Hematuria: 7/28/2017
Original DX: LG/NMIBC 1.7×1.5x2cm
1st TURB on 9/12/17
1st Pathology Results on 9/25/17
1st Scope Recheck on 1/12/18
2nd TURB on 1/23/18
2nd Pathology on February 2/13/18 (TBD)