Women Starting BCG Treatment Step by Step
Well here I go (My Age 74 ) I was diagnosed June 20/2017 after TUR (Transurethral Resection ) part of the tumor was removed and sent to pathologist and found non-invasive bladder cancer Ta High grade. On July 31st had rest of tumor removed TURBT (Transurethral Resection for Bladder Cancer Tumor). Today I was informed that with the second pathologist report all cancer was removed. But for preventive measures ( High Grade tumor meaning it could reoccur) I will Start the BCG Treatments. I will let you know step by step how things go.
From the time I was diagnosed I spent time on the computer to learn all there was to find out about Bladder Cancer. I recommend that for everyone.
There is a lot of information out there. I had already decided what to do on all possibilities. When my Doctor came in I was ready with questions. But first I let him tell me what he thought I needed to do. He was spot on with my decisions.