** This thread discusses the content article: WHO WOULD YOU SEND YOUR MOTHER OR FATHER TO?……. **
I’ve heard that several times now as a question to ask a physician when considering surgery and i personally think its a loaded question. When my husband had his second heart attack he was in the care of a cardiologist who we had known since he was the top man at the top hospital specializing in cardiac catherization. He really revolutionized the field. My husband had his first heart attack at 41 yrs of age..the same age his own father died in front of him of a massive heart attack. Through the years he had to have stents put in but that heart kept on ticking for 28 more years. The cardiologist moved out of the University setting to an office setting and far less procedures and lots more patients and money. Having gone through research for my own bladder cancer and not quite at the 3 yr mark yet i knew that The Cleveland Clinic was #1 for Heart. While my husband was being stabilized i made contact for him to see a top specialist at Cleveland. He asked his cardiologist whom we trusted all these years , “Who would you want your wife or mother to see”? And with a straight face the cardiologist said he would use the local surgeon. I knew better. I let him go through with it locally. I never saw him again. He died on the table and the surgeon actually said to me, “If i’d known he was in that bad a shape i would have never opened him up”…………! Where do you suppose along the line of communication did they not know that? I know.
Its just not a viable question.
When i was researching my current cancer and treatments and had made my decisions the radiation/oncologist actually said to me “If you were my Mother this is where i would want you to have your treatment”….Well besides the fact that she thought i was old enough to be her Mother and did let her know that as i knew exactly when she went to medical school and her age……It was patronizing. I had done my research. If it wasn’t the only Tomotomography machine in the tri state i probably would have gone elsewhere. I asked to meet with the physicists and the dosomitrists and checked their backgrounds just to be sure. Not a guarantee but there never is one is there?
I’m probably just feeling sad as my hubby died on our anniversary, April 27th…would have been 35 yrs. Its been 4 yrs and grief lessens but i don’t think ever goes away..not if you’ve got a good one!! I had a good one.
I still don’t like the question……………………………….