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  • What happened to our close friends?

    Posted by kittylee on July 18, 2009 at 3:28 am

    Ain’t it funny? Ain’t it funny how the close friends that you JUST KNEW were going to be here every minute until the end, AREN’T? The same close friends that you were there for, until the end, time after time? And ain’t it funny how the friends that you considered to be casual and didn’t know that well, are the most considerate, caring and helpful?

    I am a caregiver to my wonderful husband, Ron
    10/04 Multiple T1G3 – TURBT & 3 yrs BCG –
    9/08 Invasive BLC w/distant mets
    11/08 – 3/09 Gemzar/Cisplatin chemo regimen
    4/09 Radiation to bone mets
    6/09 lung and liver met progression – start ITP chemo
    10/09 My darling Ron passed away
    replied 15 years, 6 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
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    August 19, 2009 at 11:29 pm

    Friends appear to be seasonal and i’m in the Winter of my Discontent right now. Maybe they never were my friends? I was married to a pretty high profile man who was quite a celebrity on the local NBC affliate and he got a fair amount of sucking up……When he died over 700 people at the viewing and another at the Memorial. I have 7 scrapbooks of letters sent, cards, loving words praising him. I got two visits after both from neighbors who i usually just wave to or stop and say hello out by the mailbox. My friends? Funny it wasn’t the group i have dinner with once a month…..they’re too busy. It was the casual acquaintances who comforted me and came over and listened. So i’m guessing i was really never their friend…..always nice to have a celebrity at your party you know! It does make you wonder if you are just pretty uninteresting…body odor?..:blink: :S
    As for the cancer(whispered) journey…..well thats another story.
    Where’s my chocolate?

  • melodie's avatar


    July 18, 2009 at 3:31 pm


    No, actually it isn’t funny but it is true. Those who we think will be there for us, often aren’t…least ways, not there in the way we expected. And others who we wouldn’t have thought about, turn up to help. My GNN nurse of 20 years, who I hardly knew but continued to go to for all those years because of her caring, compassionate nature, become one of my key supporters and caregivers. She even took photos of my newly operated abdomen, two days following my RC, which I much appreciated as I don’t ever want to forget how brave I can be when necessary. Life is funny! Melodie

    Melodie, Indy Pouch, U.W.Medical Center, Seattle, Dr. Paul H. Lange & Jonathan L. Wright

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