Webs Normal??????????
** This thread discusses the content article: Webs Normal?????????? **
I have not written a blog in a while not because I have nothing to say, but because I have to many things I want to say about bladder cancer. I kept trying to narrow the topic but couldn’t. So I have decided to ramble on and see what happens. Hope I don’t bore you. Consider yourself warned, read no further if you are expecting anything logically written. Some of it is whining, some of it is funny, mostly it’s just me.
It has been 9 months since my Radical Cystectomy. Still waiting for that new normal everyone keeps talking about. Doctor keeps saying give it a year, hubby keeps asking when I will be back to normal, and I just want to SCREAM! Maybe this is my new normal. One month I’m continent, the next month completely incontinent, the next week partially continent. Sometimes I have to cath sometimes I don’t. There is no pattern. I know the chemo probably put off the whole schedule, but I’d like to see some progress. Sheesh!!!!!
My next topic is people and how blind they are. I’ve actually been told by several people since I started treatment for bladder cancer that I have changed so much. They say I am serene, or so calm and in charge, or some other horse pucky like that. Calm? Serene? In charge? Are they nuts!!!!! Do they know how many drugs have been pumped into my system since this all started? Hello repeat after me drug haze equals all of the above. Now that my brain is coming out of the fog I’m a gibbering mess. Now I’m supposed to be this person? Oh well they will have to get over it.