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  • Waiting for Cytology test results & have a Cystoscopy scheduled.

    Posted by gagreeneyes on February 7, 2018 at 9:38 pm

    I haven’t been diagnosed with anything and hopefully I won’t be, but it’s hard not to wonder and search the web. I have had blood in my urine for about 3 months now (that I know of). Friday, when tested, there was more than before. My RBC went from 1-5 to 11-15 and WBC went from rare to 6-10. Protein went from negative to 3+. My Leukocytes are now “large” and my Bilirubin is now “small”. Both were negative a month ago. Bacteria shows “trace”. Does this sound serious? Please be honest. I’d rather be kinda prepared to hear bad news when I go in for my Cystoscopy if that’s what I’m gonna hear. I have read on here that BC is very treatable, so I’m not freaking out and if I do hear the word “cancer”, I will at least know a little about it.

    They also sent my urine for a Cytology on Friday. With today being Wednesday afternoon, I thought I would have heard something. I have an appointment for a Cystoscopy on Tuesday. Do you think maybe he’s waiting to give me the results then? Not hearing anything makes me think the tests did show up something. Any ideas about what’s going on with that and/or the urine test results?

    collegea replied 6 years, 11 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • collegea's avatar


    February 13, 2018 at 11:55 am

    In the vast majority of instances, blood in the urine represents an infection, which is not cancer and is quite treatable with antibiotics. Don’t jump to conclusions yet. The Cisiscope will determine whether you have bladder cancer. Blood in the urine can also represent kidney cancer. if the cisiscope is negative, go to a kidney doctor unless the Urologist is sure you have an infection. The odds greatly favor that it is an infection. But at the first sign of blood in the urine, one must run to a Urologist and Kidney doctor.

  • sara.anne's avatar


    February 7, 2018 at 10:05 pm

    It is very hard to know from here what might be going on!! I would tell you that all your symptoms could, and probably are, from something other than bladder cancer. While traces of blood in the urine can be due to bladder cancer, more often than not the cause is something else. Your doctor is doing the right thing in doing a cystoscopy and all the other tests. I doubt that the reason you haven’t heard anything is not because it is bad news….more likely just waiting for the entire picture.

    Cytology can take a week or more for results to return. And a word of caution: cytology is one of many diagnostic tests and is not perfectly reliable on its own. It tends to give “false positive” results, meaning that it can indicate a problem when there is none. If the results are positive, that simply indicates that more tests need to be done.

    Wishing you the best of luck

    Sara Anne

    Diagnosis 2-08 Small papillary TCC; CIS
    BCG; BCG maintenance
    Vice-President, American Bladder Cancer Society
    Forum Moderator

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