Home Forums All Categories Women and Bladder Cancer Waiting for a diagnosis….

  • Waiting for a diagnosis….

    Posted by FishinOnTheFly on July 17, 2012 at 10:57 am

    This is my story so far….
    In Dec 2011 I had a bit of bladder discomfort and HAD to urinate. I had a bit of difficutly doing so as it felt like there was something blocking the urine from coming out. I made a few trips to the bathroom and blood dripped into the toilet. I made several trips to the bathroom that afternoon and finally clots passed and I felt better. The doc did confirm a UTI. Huge surprise to me as I had not had one in about 15 years and only as a result of a kidney stone.

    No futher symptoms until June 7, 2012. I had the same issues again as I did in December…passed clots and felt better. Doc again says it was a UTI based on urine test. Took antibiotics for 5 days; felt great. June 14th, I woke to bladder pain and thought to myself that I had another UTI. Got up and went to the bathroom. Peed but had discomfort…no blood or clots. Went back to bed only to have to go to the bathroom again. This time, I urinated and blood and lots of clots came out. There were more clots this time than the previous times. Had a urine test but NO UTI this time.

    I had a CT w/contrast…all looks good; no kidney stones. Had appt. with Urologist and will have a cystocopy but not until August 2nd to look for cancer because my symptoms are typical.

    I’m having a hard time to process this. I’ve felt fine and have only had these three incidents. I thought that maybe I had passed small kidney stones but the doc doesn’t think so. Has anyone had similar experience?

    Thank you for your support.

    Jljrn replied 9 years, 2 months ago 5 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Jljrn's avatar


    December 12, 2015 at 5:11 pm

    I know this in an old thread but I really wish the original posters would ” keep us posted” as they say they will. Many people in their same situations are looking for reassurance that things worked out OK and it’d be nice to read so.

  • Samith's avatar


    November 30, 2013 at 11:50 am

    You must keep in mind that there are many things that can cause blood in the urine.

    You have been sent on the right path, cystoscopy is the best way to see whats going on.

    I only wish they would make it sooner so that you didn’t have to wait so long to get the results.

    Smile PlzZZzzz…(Usman Malik)…!!!
  • upnorth's avatar


    July 18, 2012 at 1:47 am

    That’s what we are here for. Most people are afraid to talk to friends and relatives until they know for sure. Then they have to sit and worry with out any support. That is not only sad, but a very unhealthy way to deal with the stress.

    Hang in there we are routing for you.


    Age 55
    Diagnosed BC 12/20/2011 Ta No Mo 0a Non-Invasive At age 48
    “Please don’t cry because it is over….. Smile because it happened!” {Dr. Seuss} :)
  • FishinOnTheFly's avatar


    July 17, 2012 at 11:04 pm

    Dear UpNorth,
    Thank you for your kind words. I’m grateful for this site as it allows me to write and relieve some of the anxiety. After I discussed what the doc said with my husband and mom, I choose to talk about it as little as possible as I don’t want to make it a bigger issue than need be expecially if it turns out to be nothing (we hope).

    I’ll keep you all posted!

  • FishinOnTheFly's avatar


    July 17, 2012 at 10:58 pm

    Dear Catherine,
    Thank you for your thoughtful response and support. Waiting is difficult. I’m trying to keep busy and not think about it too much…it is almost easy in one way as I haven’t had any symptoms for a month.

    I had a partial hystorectomy several years ago so I know the blood didn’t come from that “department”. Thankfully, I am seeing a top-notch urologist for my cystocopy…we’ll hope he finds nothing.

    I think what is kind of a shock to me is that I never would have suspected anything to be wrong. I thought I was just passing very small kidney stones….doc isn’t so convinced of this however. What I’m confused about is how can there be episodes of blood and clots a day or two, then nothing. I wished I would have been able to focus and ask my doc more questions at the time, but I just couldn’t think straight!

    Thanks again for listening and writing. It’s very helpful!

  • upnorth's avatar


    July 17, 2012 at 4:52 pm

    Passing blood or blood clots is always scary. I had passed blood twice before I took a sample into the Ready Care. They sent me to a urologist to have a cystoscope done, that is where the tumor was first spotted. After I got home I started to pee out the clots, lots of them. This scared the living day-lights out of me.

    I made a panicky call to my Urologist, who calmed me down and explained that when the scope went in it broke up the blood that was stuck in my bladder and allowed it to be voided during urination. Even though it was a small amount it caused BIG concern for me. He apologized for not for warning me ahead of time. (He really felt bad about this)

    But you must keep in mind that there are many things that can cause blood in the urine. You have been sent on the right path, cystoscopy is the best way to see whats going on. I only wish they would make it sooner so that you didn’t have to wait so long to get the results.

    If they do find a tumor don’t panic yet, most are not cancerous. It has to be sent to a pathologist to be looked at and diagnosed as cancerous or not. So until then you are supposed to remain calm, cool, and collected. (Good luck with that one)

    We are here to help with the waiting process too, so feel free to ask any questions, or if you just need a friend.

    We Hate the Wait!

    Age 55
    Diagnosed BC 12/20/2011 Ta No Mo 0a Non-Invasive At age 48
    “Please don’t cry because it is over….. Smile because it happened!” {Dr. Seuss} :)
  • catherineh's avatar


    July 17, 2012 at 3:45 pm

    Hello and welcome…. The waiting game is a very nervous time indeed. We have all been there and know the tension of waiting for an exam or test results. One of my pet peeves is how often doctors ignore or downplay blood/clots in urine for women since that is just “something we do” normally and just write a script for antibiotics. It is good news that your kidneys show no problem on your CT scan.

    I don’t want to second guess your symptoms since the cystoscopy on August 2nd will show what is going on inside your bladder. I know your head is spinning at top speed at the mere prospect of bladder cancer. Just remember that if it were to be so, it is very treatable these days and a top-notch doctor is crucial. Just so you can be prepared, if he finds something suspicious, while you’re waiting research some hospitals and their urology departments in your area and ask him for a referral (if your insurance requires it) of your choosing for a second opinion (unless your uro is one of those specialists, but a second opinion is always encouraged anyway). If you tell us where you are, we can probably suggest some for you to consider.

    Also, if the cystoscopy shows nothing a trip to your gynecologist is needed. My gynecologist actually found my bladder tumor. I went to her first because she told me on my first visit to her that “any bleeding after menopause is NOT normal and needs to be checked immediately” so I went straight to her when I saw that little tinge of blood on the bath tissue. All the female stuff was OK, but upon seeing that small mass in my bladder she sent me straight to a uro. Prior to that, I had never even had a UTI ever so going to a uro had not occurred to me!

    Please continue to ask any questions you might have or join in discussions on other threads. I hope your cysto goes well and the source of your symptoms is found quickly.

    Best wishes… Catherine

    TURBT 1/21/10 at age 55
    Dx: T2aN0M0 Primary Bladder Adenocarcinoma
    Partial Cystectomy 2/25/10
    Vanderbilt Medical Center
    Nashville, TN

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