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  • Very scared and asking for answers

    Posted by rachlexis13 on August 4, 2016 at 7:24 am

    Hi everyone,

    I found this forum out of the blue and would like to hear what everyone thinks about what I have been experiencing as I have been so scared for over a week and a half now about all of this.

    Last Tuesday, I had a hospital stay as a result of a kidney stone. The doctors found it when I had went in for an ultra sound. I went home and about three hours later, I went to the bathroom. I could only go a little, but then I experienced this burning feeling in my bladder. I ended up going back to the bathroom and I had blood in my urine. I also had some clots in it. While this was happening, I started experiencing nausea and chills. My dad was concerned so he ended up calling the hospital. The nurse suggested that we come back up to the hospital. So, we did. They asked me for a urine sample and I was still peeing up blood. The doctor was surprised even. He made a joke of it looking like kool-aid even.

    Anyways, I went up for a CT scan and the results came back. Everything looked good and the doctor even said there were no more stones. So, I must have passed it while I was at home going to the bathroom. I never got to catch it though as the doctors forgot to give me a strainer to take home during my first stay at the hospital. They said it looked like I had a high white blood cell count in my urine though and that there was bacteria within my urine. So, they assumed I had a UTI and I was put on an antibiotic. It’s called Keflex and this was actually my last day taking it. They were going to do a culture of my urine and they said that the results would come back soon.

    There has luckily been no blood in my urine since. It is all gone, but I had experienced some black jagged flakes in my urine about twice a couple of days after this. I called the nurse at the hospital about it. She said not to be concerned and that it might have been residue of the kidney stone I was still passing up. I haven’t seen that since though. The only problem I keep on having is this feeling like my bladder is not completely empty! It’s still there. It is more frequent when I am walking around. I have a completely normal flow though.

    I went to my urologist a couple of days ago for a follow-up appointment. The bladder scan showed my bladder is completely empty. I still have that feeling though. The doctor came in and went over my ultra sound and CT scan results with me. He said everything seemed to look fine. The one thing though was that when they did the ultra sound, they could not get a left flow picture of my urine. Only the right flow. I told him about my symptoms and he did not seemed too concerned. He could only guess that it may be my body simply getting over the stone still. He wants to have me come back in 6 weeks though to have a bladder scope if this symptom continues as he wants to make sure it’s not a tumor. Ugh. I’m absolutely terrified guys.

    I’m only 21 so he said he doubted it was a tumor since it would be rare for a person my age to ever have this. With how I’ve felt lately though, I don’t know! I’ve been peeing normally, but my appetite has been weird.I also have felt very warm lately on my face and neck. Does anyone think I should be concerned? I’m so scared..

    sara.anne replied 8 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
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  • sara.anne's avatar


    August 4, 2016 at 3:08 pm

    It is always a worry when something is “not right.” Your urologist does seem to be keeping up with your issues just as he should. I am not a physician, but from what I have seen all your symptoms could very well be related to the kidney stone. Those critters can be nasty, as my friends tell me!!!

    IF you showed up with urinary blood without the kidney stone background, it might be a bit different. Your urologist is right when he says that it would be very unusual for someone your age to show up with bladder cancer….unusual but, of course, not impossible. And he is going to follow this up with you. It sounds as if you are in good hands.

    You probably just need to heal from the kidney stone and things will go back to normal.

    Keeping good thoughts for you

    Sara Anne

    Diagnosis 2-08 Small papillary TCC; CIS
    BCG; BCG maintenance
    Vice-President, American Bladder Cancer Society
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