Usefulness of Urine Cytology for Bladder Carcinoma
Usefulness of Urine Cytology for Bladder Carcinoma Diagnosis: Comparative Study with Biopsy
Traditionally, urine cytology has been considered as the gold standard for bladder cancer screening. However, new methods are playing new roles in these cases. In order to assess the value of cytology of voided urine we performed one comparative study between cytology and biopsy.
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Cynthia Kinsella
T2 g3 CIS 8/04
Clinical Trial
Chemotherapy & Radiation 10/04-12/04
Chemotherapy 3/05-5/05
BCG 9/05-1-06
RC w/umbilical Indiana pouch 5/06
Left Nephrectomy 1/09
President American Bladder Cancer SocietySorry, there were no replies found.
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