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  • Update on Bob…..

    Posted by Clara on September 29, 2008 at 2:07 pm

    On Thursday, Sept 18th, Bob had the 2nd chemo treatment in this cycle. His blood counts were down some but they said he could have the treatment if he wanted to. BIG MISTAKE FOR US! By Sat. nite he was so weak that he could hardly get to the bathroom for his catherization and then on to bed. Did not want to go to ER so we tried to tough it out and actually did until Monday night when he could not hardly move again. Sat him down in the hallway and called 911. Went to the ER and his white blood count was down to 1, red a little over 6. Admitted him to Pallative Care Unit. He ended up getting 4 units of blood. The oxygen was never stopped once the EMS started it. Never got out of that bed again. We came home on Thursday afternoon with Hospice right behind us. Set the bed up in our den where we spent most of our time here anyhow and he is in his daily surroundings there. It was unreal how fast everything fell into place and how many things have been brought in but Bob is in the bed all the time. Sleeping and eating is about it. Thank God for four children in our blended family….we have had so much support and love….more later. The Hospice Nurse just drove up. Clara

    Caretaker of husband, Bob.
    Stage IV
    Diagnosed Jan, 2007
    Leigh replied 16 years, 3 months ago 5 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • leigh

    October 1, 2008 at 10:52 am

    Dear Clara,

    I am thinking of you both at this time and wish you lots of strength and hope that Bob will be made very comfortable.


    Leigh, 39
    Dx July 2007
    TURBT July 2007
    RC/Neobladder ,Studer Pouch, September 2007
    Erasmus Centrum Rotterdam
    TNM Classification: pT4 N2 Mo
    4 cycles aduvant chemo Gemzar & Cisplatinum
  • stephany

    September 30, 2008 at 11:26 pm

    Thanks, Clara. We’re just back from the oncologist. We decided to pass on the chemo today. Doran was too weak, and had lost so much weight.

    We are going to wait and try some Megace. amd see if a couple of weeks more off the chemo will help.

    Thanks for the info. Is hospice doing blood tests for you?

    Stephany in Iowa

  • clara

    September 30, 2008 at 6:41 pm

    Sorry that I did not read this message before now but the white blood ocunt was 2.9 and the hemoglobin 8.9.

    Good Luck

    Caretaker of husband, Bob.
    Stage IV
    Diagnosed Jan, 2007
  • stephany

    September 29, 2008 at 5:30 pm

    Clara, how low were his counts when he decided to have the chemo? We’re facing that decision tomorrow, and he’s already spent four nights in the hospital with three units of blood after the last one.

    And that’s about all he’s been doing since then….and not eating much.

    Is Bob having any pain?

    Stephany in Iowa

  • lisaloo

    September 29, 2008 at 2:52 pm

    Hi Clara
    Just wanted to send all my love and support it sounds as if you have a really good network of help there.
    Bob will really appreciate being at home
    Take care love Lisa x

  • mel09

    September 29, 2008 at 2:39 pm


    I am so sorry to hear how things are going. It never ceases to amaze me how wicked this disease is and how it encompasses all our lives. Know that we are all praying for you and Bob!



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