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  • Update on Betsy Mae

    Posted by on October 8, 2008 at 10:23 am

    Just to let you all know: I have a grade 3 tumour in my left breast (very aggressive) which is being removed on 15th October. They don’t think there is any lymph involvement but I think I may well end up with chemo as a precaution.
    As I said earlier “life is just not fair!”
    I have been told that there is no link between the urachal tumour of last year and this new one. They are both primaries. It is just a case of bad luck!
    I am planning to keep active on this site as I have made a lot of good friends on here. However, it will be interesting to see how I am supported through the breast cancer journey as I feel I had little emotional support during the bladder one! Good to have a ‘trendy’ cancer! (not!)
    Keep smiling!
    Betsy Mae

    SandyMc replied 16 years, 4 months ago 7 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • sandymc's avatar


    October 9, 2008 at 12:48 pm

    Good Morning, Anne! I do hope all goes well with pre-op and everyone gets on the same page as to your needs – it will certainly make the time after surgery so much less complicated. Please know I am thinking of you and wishing for only the best!


  • 's avatar

    October 9, 2008 at 8:13 am

    Thank you all for your posts of support! I still cannot believe this has happened to me but then which of us do? I am off to the hospital this afternoon for the pre-op checks with my breast cancer nurse. I have arranged for one of the urology nurses to see me too as I need to know they can cope with the neobladder ok. The breast cancer nurse seemed a little phased by the whole concept of self cathing but I suppose it is not her area of expertise. At least I can use it as an excuse to insist on being first on the op list – this will help calm my nerves too!
    (Betsy Mae is not my real name!)

  • jerrysgirl's avatar


    October 9, 2008 at 2:45 am

    Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers as you journey through this.
    Traci & Jerry

  • maria's avatar


    October 8, 2008 at 9:20 pm

    Dear Betsy Mae, devastated to learn of your set back, I don’t know what to say. You have been great with me offering support by email and phone during these past months and now let me return that support to you, please contact and let me know if there is anything I can do.
    Hang on in there we are here for you.
    Maria xx

  • webs's avatar


    October 8, 2008 at 3:13 pm

    I am so sorry to hear this. I am sure you will have more support from the establishment with this sort of cancer. You also have all the support of your friends and family hear. Know that i am holding your hand long distance and will support you anyway I can. Remember chemo is no fun, but it is doable and we will help you walk that path. ((((ANNE)))) Wishing you and your family did not have to go through this.


  • lisaloo's avatar


    October 8, 2008 at 1:41 pm

    Thats the post I was dreading seeing when I logged in.I am so sorry as you said life is just not fair.I suppose the only positive is that its a new primary and not spread .I am sure that I am not speaking just for myself when I say we will be here for you whatever and whenever.You have my mobile number and email if you need to talk.I will go and hunt out my charger now and get it charged up.
    Please take good care of yourself
    Lisa x

  • leigh's avatar


    October 8, 2008 at 12:31 pm

    Dear Betsy Mae,

    I am really sorry to read about your breast cancer diagnosis.

    My mum had breast cancer over 15 years ago and I remember the support she had at that time was excellent. I am in no doubt that you will have far more options for support and treatment than that of bladder cancer.

    I am happy to read that you have made friends here at the forum and will remain active on this site.

    Glad to see that even though you are facing difficult times ahead your humour remains which will help you so much.

    Betsy Mae I wish you all the very best for your op next Wednesday and for a short stay in hospital and a speedy recovery.

    Please keep us updated….

    Kind Regards

    Leigh, 39
    Dx July 2007
    TURBT July 2007
    RC/Neobladder ,Studer Pouch, September 2007
    Erasmus Centrum Rotterdam
    TNM Classification: pT4 N2 Mo
    4 cycles aduvant chemo Gemzar & Cisplatinum

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