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  • Posted by rock009 on February 9, 2012 at 9:26 pm

    just had my 3 month check up and i have a new tumor,,, dr says it looks like its same kind as last time,, non invasive,, have to have surgery again on feb 27th,, does this keep coming back,, my last surgery was sept 15th,,,,, i beat cancer nhl in 08, then cancer again for bladder6 months ago,,, now i have to deal with this again,,, any one else having same thing were they keep coming back in different spots of bladder,, but at least it hasnt went any were else yet,,,, any input would really help,,,

    Cynthia replied 12 years, 11 months ago 9 Members · 13 Replies
  • 13 Replies
  • cynthia's avatar


    March 9, 2012 at 6:19 pm

    Joey, Bladder cancer has a very high rate of recurrence some will have several tumors in a row and then will be clear for years, every ones path is different of course. The tumor you are seeing now potentially was there three months ago but was to small to see. The cells in your bladder have undergone a change that means you will always have to be on top of your rechecks the rest of your lie.

    Having said all of that this is what you have to keep in mind. With proper treatment and rechecks the idea is to catch them early so they do not become invasive. Non invasive bladder cancer rarely spreads outside the bladder.

    I do not know if you have had BCG or have had other treatment and I do not know what grade your bladder cancer is but this might be the time to talk to you doctor about what comes next. As always a second opinion at a major center that sees a lot of bladder cancer is a good idea to make sure that you are on the right treatment path if you have not done so.

    I know this is very hard to deal with but I hope it helps to know that a lot of us have been there and are here to talk about it years later.

    Cynthia Kinsella
    T2 g3 CIS 8/04
    Clinical Trial
    Chemotherapy & Radiation 10/04-12/04
    Chemotherapy 3/05-5/05
    BCG 9/05-1-06
    RC w/umbilical Indiana pouch 5/06
    Left Nephrectomy 1/09
    President American Bladder Cancer Society
  • Rock009's avatar


    March 9, 2012 at 5:44 pm

    had it removed,, waiting to go back to dr on march 19th

  • joey's avatar


    February 16, 2012 at 3:07 pm

    Hi Lessie, I initially had the same dx as you did, low grade, superficial non invasive back in Dec 07. But due to its size 4 cm I started BCG. at my first follow up some 4 months later I had a recur of CIS (all the tests and some pathologist said I didn’t). Since that time some 46 months ago and 27 BCG treatments I have not had another recurrence. Sometimes the treatments were rough but only for a short period of time but so far well worth it.


  • sara.anne's avatar


    February 14, 2012 at 10:43 pm

    I believe that BCG is the treatment of choice when the tumors keep returning. It isn’t really fun, but is not usually that bad either (how is that for damning with faint praise?) I, and lots of others in this group, have been through this and are, at least as of now, cancer-free.

    Very good idea to make a list of questions and schedule a time to discuss these, calmly, with your uro.

    There is a lot of info on BCG on this web site, and we are all willing to offer answers to questions.

    Sara Anne

    Diagnosis 2-08 Small papillary TCC; CIS
    BCG; BCG maintenance
    Vice-President, American Bladder Cancer Society
    Forum Moderator
  • Lessie1953's avatar


    February 14, 2012 at 12:21 pm

    BC was first diagnosed in April of 2010. I’ve had 3 recurrences since then. Up until this latest TURBT, my urologist was not recommending BCG. Then after the biopsy results (superficial, non-invasive transitional cell carcinoma. No CIS), he changed his mind and decided that perhaps BCG would be the next course of action. We agreed to discuss at my next cysto on May 2, but I can’t stop thinking about it and reading. So, I thought maybe I’d call him mid March after my vacation and discuss it further. I’m compiling my list of questions and wanted to hear if any one else out there does BCG with this kind of low grade tumor?

  • rbmc's avatar


    February 13, 2012 at 11:30 pm

    Re-occurrance seems to be a common word in BC topics. Once there, it’s a life long monitoring process, with hopes of catching it early. My first 3 go-rounds each found new cancer. Quite depressing. But after the 3rd surgery, and BCG, the report was cancer free. Would be nice to keep it that way for a while. I’ve never heard anyone say their bladder cancer was in “remission”. Good luck to you.

  • Rock009's avatar


    February 10, 2012 at 4:15 pm

    thanks Ann will check into it

  • pemquid's avatar


    February 10, 2012 at 3:44 pm

    It sounds to me (no medical expert) that you should ask your doctor about additional type(s) of treatment beyond just the surgery. BCG has been found to be very effective for recurrent bladder cancer. I had only recurrence, and that was 2 years after my first tumor, but my urologist recommended BCG. I’m now done with those treatments, and have been tumor-free since 2008. The thing to watch out for is if the recurrent tumors are of a higher stage or grade; if they remain as low grade and non-invasive, continued TURBTs and maybe BCG would seem to be a good plan of action–ask your doctor.

    Good luck!


    Small TA Grade 1, May-06; recur (2 tiny), same, June-08; TURBTs both times. BCG begun July-08, dosage to 1/3rd May-10, completed treatment December-11. All clear since 2008.
  • Rock009's avatar


    February 10, 2012 at 11:44 am

    im getting used to it and i have trying to keep on it,, this is my 3rd time having cancer,, the nhl in 08 was the worst, so i figure if i can beat that this is cake,, thanks for all the replies,, it does help to talk to people that have been through this,,, god bless you all and sayin prayer for nothing but the best

  • dieseldoc's avatar


    February 9, 2012 at 10:39 pm

    I have been dealing with bladder cancer for 7 years now, and I have only been cancer free for 2 years. So the answer to your question is , yes it does come back. And it is pretty normal from what I’ve heard on here and my doctor. A 2nd opinion would be a good idea.

    Upnorth, your getting the hang of this pretty good, I’m impressed!!!!

    T1,NO,MO battling bladder cancer since 2005
  • upnorth's avatar


    February 9, 2012 at 9:59 pm

    It maybe back again, but as long as it stays in one place and is non-invasive that is a GOOD thing.

    Good for you :) for keeping up with your check ups.

    The faster you find the tumors and remove them the better your chances are for survival.

    I know you are frustrated but I think you have done very well. And thank God you’r cancer hasn’t progressed.

    Keep up the good work.


    Age 55
    Diagnosed BC 12/20/2011 Ta No Mo 0a Non-Invasive At age 48
    “Please don’t cry because it is over….. Smile because it happened!” {Dr. Seuss} :)
  • Rock009's avatar


    February 9, 2012 at 9:56 pm

    thanks Sara

  • sara.anne's avatar


    February 9, 2012 at 9:36 pm

    So sorry to hear that the beast is back….however, it IS good news that it doesn’t appear to have spread. And yes, it DOES keep coming back. That is one of the real problems with bladder cancer.

    It would appear that this would be a really good time to get a second opinion about treatment options at a top bladder cancer site. When it does keep coming back, it is not something to fool around with.

    Sara Anne

    Diagnosis 2-08 Small papillary TCC; CIS
    BCG; BCG maintenance
    Vice-President, American Bladder Cancer Society
    Forum Moderator

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