Home Forums All Categories Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer TRIP TO THE ER!!!!!

  • TRIP TO THE ER!!!!!

    Posted by on November 21, 2007 at 9:34 pm

    This past Sunday was one year since Gene’s heart attack, at that time he had a stent put in his A descending artery which was closed 99 per cent, the following day he had 3 more less serious sites stented. That was 2006. This past Sunday , same Sunday as last year,,Gene had symptoms again, heavy arms, but racing heart, and nausea with back pain. So off we went, I drove him and called the Er that we were coming in. They were waiting at the door, after I parked the car I went in and Gene had 4 RN ‘s and 4 Doctors sticking needles everywhere. I looked at the pulse and heart rate machine, his pulse was 160,, blood pressure 180 over 120, he is on Lopressor, Plavix, and Hyzaar. Well they had 3 bags of stuff going in him and did an ekg which showed a problem. After about an hour our daughter in law came on duty, she is a RN IN THE er. As she looked at the monitor she said Oh good he flipped back to regular heart beat. Our cardiologist was called and said he should spend the night and talk with him the next day. So Monday the cardiologist said this inticates a stent may have moved or more stents may be needed, suggested to Gene to stay for a heart cath or do a out patient medicated stress test. Of course he choose to come home and have the test. It will be done on Tuesday next week. All I can say is I hope this is a sign of maybe med’s need changed, or he may have a minor blockage somewhere. But he was not staying, not after what he just went through 9 weeks ago. I wanted him to stay but I am not the one who spent 6 days at the Cleveland Clinic going thru Bladder Cancer surgery. So he is home, feels sort a fine, a little shocked from Sundays ordeal, and so am I…I don’t know what to think, but we will find out Tuesday. He was checked out before surgery by his cardiologist for b/c surgery, we had no choice anyway. I guess having the heart attack last year was lucky, as it was fixed to only get b/c, and now the heart again….Ginger

    replied 17 years, 1 month ago 6 Members · 15 Replies
  • 15 Replies
  • 's avatar

    December 1, 2007 at 4:46 am

    Your right Pat, and Gene was in the operating room 6 hours, as opposed to 3 or 4, so they gobbled alot up there, the Doctors bill was 8000.00, for Campbell and I haven’t seem Gill’s yet, the phone thing is outrageous. 675.00, glad I had my cell.
    Glad we were covered, what about the ones who aren’t, thats a big blow to them, how do they do it?? Gene said its 3.00 a minute when you use there phones…Ginger

  • 's avatar

    December 1, 2007 at 4:37 am

    My first bill was $l64,000…..the second $265,000…thats just the hospital! I had 90% coverage….but I also had a stipulation that i only had to pay $4000 out of pocket for a single year…….BUT the WORST thing i did and really i should start a new post on this…in my morphine stupor I was apparently calling anybody that would talk and really have no memory of any of it until i got a bill from the people that operate the hospital phones in the amount of $675.00!!!!!!!!!!!! OUCH…There was no way around that……they’ve got quite a racket going there! Pat

  • mikeg's avatar


    December 1, 2007 at 2:28 am

    wow – 200K – i can’t wait to add up michael’s bills. should be enormous, but thankfully we have 100% coverage as well.


    Age 58
    Stage T2-T3, muscle invasive
    Married to Eileen
    2 sons, ages 20 and 23
  • 's avatar

    December 1, 2007 at 2:23 am

    Yes, I guess your right, one year off, without pay no less….for me I mean, Gene’s retirement keeps rolling in so I guess we are fortuneate, and the Cleveland Clinic bill was 200,000 so far…wow,, I had no idea,,,we are covered in full,,,thank God for that…Ginger

  • harry-s's avatar


    December 1, 2007 at 2:02 am

    Hi Ginger – Just wanted you to know that you and Gene will be in our prayers. Let us know how the appointment goes on Wednesday.

    Harry and Margot

  • 's avatar

    December 1, 2007 at 1:10 am

    Its a trade off…one lost year for many gained years. The light is there.

  • mikeg's avatar


    November 30, 2007 at 9:00 pm

    hi ginger – you are going through a scary time. michael and i are thinking about you and gene and hope that things work out well for you soon. this has been a lost year for all of us, hasn’t it? hopefully one day there will be a light at the end of the tunnel.


    Age 58
    Stage T2-T3, muscle invasive
    Married to Eileen
    2 sons, ages 20 and 23
  • 's avatar

    November 29, 2007 at 8:31 pm


    Gene had a nuclear stress test, it was negative which is good, but the cardiologist really wanted him to have a heart cath, he wouldn’t do it, so when we see the doctor next Wednesday that will be my first question, can the two tests show the same thing, exclusively,,otherwise I feel he is a time bomb. So for now we are stable, his heart went into a defib thing, scary,,,I’ll let you know. Take care of yourself, I am glad your getting some rehab before home,,,you won’t be cooking, or ordering out!!!!!Ginger

  • Lizt2g3's avatar


    November 29, 2007 at 7:27 pm

    Ginger & Gene,
    I hope all is well with you both, how scarry to have a
    heartattack 1 year after the first one. As if b/c wasn’t
    enough. I finally got the computer at the Clinic to come
    up with the help of a nice man using them, and I’d thought
    I’d check up on you all and saw this post.

    I am still here at the Clinic and hope to leave tomorrow.
    I will be going to Aristicrat West Nursing home for 1 week of care, before
    going home.

    I pray all is well with you guys and will stay that way, please
    remember to keep me in your prayers.


  • 's avatar

    November 25, 2007 at 5:42 pm

    Thanks Joe,,,,love your Santa, he’s graet. I refreshed my picture but still no blinking lights ,,oh well,, Ginger

  • 's avatar

    November 25, 2007 at 5:33 pm

    Ginger tell Gene I wish him all the best with his stress test and I certainly hope no probs after all he has been through. I think Santa is going to give Gene an early Christmas present and everything will be just fine. Joe ;)

  • Justme's avatar


    November 25, 2007 at 1:13 pm

    (((((((((((Gene and Ginger))))))))))

    Will be praying this is an easy fix.

    justme pat

  • maria's avatar


    November 22, 2007 at 2:43 am

    Hi Ginger, sorry to hear about this. Hopefully you will get the right answers on Tuesday. Best of luck, will be thinking about you both. Maria xx

  • 's avatar

    November 21, 2007 at 10:13 pm

    Right Pat, no heart attack this time, but the cardiologist called it a red flag. So the test on Tuesday coming up,,,,,Ginger

  • 's avatar

    November 21, 2007 at 9:50 pm

    Ginger i’m guessing the enzymes (renin) were not released into the blood stream and he did not have another heart attack? The last time my husband went into the hospital for some reason his enzymes did not peak until the second day…maybe thats unusual or maybe our hospital is about 20 yrs behind. Another thing with the Plavix(powerful blood thinner) which my husband also took…it stays in your system about 7 days….when they did the angiogram he bled and bled and bled and even then they did not have the sense to take him off of it prior to his scheduled surgery date…(believe me i tried to tell them….) and the surgeon had to cancel his surgery for another week. You know the end result of all that. We all assume they know what they’re doing…but just keep an eye on him. I wish you the best and it wouldnt be the first time a stent closed up or moved. Pat

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