Treatment begins at last …………………..
It seems surreal to say that I am actually starting treatment for my BC.
For me months of talking about chemo and RC options have been ‘words’ now it is real and I am not afraid to say that I am scared, nervous and very apprehensive of what lies ahead for me during the next few months.For those of you who have supported me during the past few months of my journey, guided me and pointed me in the right direction when the collective mismanagement of my cancer became increasingly obvious, I want to say thank you!
I have learned so much from people on this forum who are at various levels of BC, chemo and surgery. I know everyone responds differently to the same treatments and this has been interesting to learn and helped me prepare psychologically for anticipated problems and possible complications.
I start chemo next week, it has been delayed due to the cancer spreading within my bladder (due to lack of care) resulting in a blocked kidney (which would not have occurred had the right course of action been implemented in December, (these tumors grow rapidly)
I now have tubes in my back and a urine drainage bag which could have been prevented had I not have had the unfortunate experience of meeting with an incompetent doctor………..ANGRY………too right I am.My energy is now focused on me and not the past. I have at last a great team at the University of Florida Shands Cancer Center. I will have chemo at the local hospital.
I have my ‘chemo diary’ and the relevant information.
I will be on high dose MVAC and RC planned for end May…………….those words are now reality, it does seem surreal!