Top Rated Hospitals
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Too bad they don’t have a sub-specialty for bladder cancer. The rankings in Urology might be for prostate, kidney, ED, or whatever..case in point…….MSK in NY is #8 in urology but they have some of the best bladder cancer surgeons in the country…MD Anderson is #10……also great specialists in bladder cancer…Cleveland Clinic is #2 but they’ve lost most of their bladder cancer specialists and have a bunch of new fellows they’ve recruited with great training but very little under their belt as far as surgeries. Hopkins i agree with…but even they are down to 2 surgeons who specialize in bladder cancer..both excellent but imagine their schedules!
Some are not even on the radar screen. Indiana U Clarion Health Systems have some of the best bladder cancer specialists…
and i can go on and on. Oh well…..Pat
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