Time frame between Diagnosis and First Oncologist Visit?
Can anyone tell me what the normal time frame is between diagnosis, and the oncology visit? My husband got his terrible news on June 22, and his first oncology appointment isn’t until July 26!
It seems too long to me. What do we do to complain, and or speed this up? I feel like the cancer is growing every second, why are they waiting? Are they really that un caring?
Also, is it better to be at a medical center close to a university, or does that just make you a tool for teaching?
Our insurance lapsed when my husbands income stopped, and were having financial problems before all of this started, now he is on NC State Heathcare. What are our options? Are we able to consult experts when the state is paying?
We have 2 small children (3 and 7), and we have 6 other children (from previous marriages 2 are mine 18 and 20, and the other 4 are his 17-24). Two of our kids start college in the fall (scholarships, Financial Aid, and student loans so they are covered thank god!)
This is getting so overwhelming! My husband is in NC, I am in FL. He went to get a new job and to move us there but instead he got Cancer! We all need to be together, but can’t afford it. I need to get movers, a new place to stay there. etc…Why is this happening! Does anyone have any suggestions? He has Cancer and I am having a nervous breakdown (though I would never tell him), Everyday, I try so hard to be the”Strong” one. But I hang up the phone, and fall apart.
Caregiver for my Wonderful Husband Angelo, who has Metastatic Bladder Cancer.Life isn’t about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain.